Why do I not receive GAPC_CONNECTION_REQ_IND message?

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Last seen:4 years 12 months ago
Joined:2015-07-31 13:52
Why do I not receive GAPC_CONNECTION_REQ_IND message?

Hello everyone,

I'm try to use the DA14580 with an external host processor via UART.
I based my project on the example code from the proximity project and I get the following working:
- External processor gets GAPM_DEVICE_READY_IND message
- External processor sends GAPM_RESET_CMD
- External processor gets GAPM_CMP_EVT
- External processor sends GAPM_SET_DEV_CONFIG_CMD (role = GAP_PERIPHERAL_SLV)
- External processor get GAPM_CMP_EVT
- External processor sends GAPM_START_ADVERTISE_CMD

然后我可以发现DA14580 android美联社plication.
But if I try to connect to the DA14580, then I do not receive any message on my host application.

I wonder why I'am nor receiving any GAPC_CONNECTION_REQ_IND message...

Do has someone any ideas?

Best regards.

Last seen:6 days 7 hours ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi roubierf,

Hi roubierf,

The GAPC_CONNECTION_REQ_IND is called when the connection has been established. Perhaps for some reason the connection never completes thats why you dont get the indication. Can you see that your peripheral is connected to the central ?

Thanks MT_dialog