Hi Dialog:
I use the mouse reference to design a BLE mouse, but I can't pair with the computer ThinkPad T540p, which embed the BLE receiver ,who can help me .
HI AIhuazou,
I am using the same device - DA14580 as yours, Can you please let me know what Emulator/debugger you are using to program the board. Kindly reply to me regarding this. I am using a J-Link segger but facing some issues. This is not related to your post but kindly let me know.
Hi BAswaraj:
I design the firmare using the PCB ,which is offered by reference design , and software using the same reference , and the Emulator is J-Link.
Are you working on windows 7 or lower? They do not support BLE. Even windows 8 and 10 do not have good support for BLE.
Thanks and Regards,
Hi aihuazou,
是什么operating system on the laptop you are using ?
Thanks MT_dialog
Hi MT_dialog:
The operating system is win8.1, I can find the BLE on the computer but can't pair BLE ,and you can tell me how to pair the BLE on the win8.1 or Andriod or linux ?
Thanks aihuazou
Hi aihuazou,
If you are using the reference design of the mouse, you should be able to connect with an android device, can you please try that in order to clear out if its an OS problem ? Also can you please try to enable security, just define the CFG_APP_SEC in order to pair with windows.
Thanks MT_dialog