Sorry there is no document particularly for 14583 and using the SPI. You can advice the reference examples that use the da14583 in order to use the flash memory.
The reference examples in the new SDK are also for the da14583, just go to keil and choose the implementation you want 580/581/583 in the drop menu. Please advice the doc UM-B-050 on page 17.
Hi giuseppe,
Yes you can, as long the data doesn't collide with secondary bootloader, headers, etc if any.
Thanks MT_dialog
there is a document that explains how to write in flash memory from da14583?
Hi giuseppe,
Sorry there is no document particularly for 14583 and using the SPI. You can advice the reference examples that use the da14583 in order to use the flash memory.
Thanks MT_dialog
What new about 14583 ? Still no document particularly for 14583 and using the SPI !?
Any reference examples ?
Hi Tzadok,
The reference examples in the new SDK are also for the da14583, just go to keil and choose the implementation you want 580/581/583 in the drop menu. Please advice the doc UM-B-050 on page 17.
Thanks MT_dialog