hi,dialog :
I have use the DA14580 for 12 months . from SDK 3.0.2 to 3.0.10 .But I always met a problem . when I open the LED which controled by two PWM pulse .I use the function app_disable_sleep(), so the LED can work well . and when I close the LED ,I call the function app_set_extended_sleep() to make sure the device work in low power mode .
It work well , but when I use the LED for several hours (when I open the LED ,I call the app_disable_sleep one time per second) , the PWM can not work well. I think the call of the app_disable_sleep() does not work . why ???
Hi liyang,
What do you mean that the PWM dont work well, you think that the da falls asleep although the disable sleep is issued ? From where do you call the functions in order to wake up the system and start the PWM ? Is an external interrupt ? You say that at the beggining this implementation works well but as the time goes by the problem occurs? Have you tried implement the same function (blink a led) but with a ke_timer to see if the problem persists ?
Thanks MT_dialog
the PWM dont work well,because the periph_init() which in the function BLE_WAKEUP_LP_Handler() was called. My PWM control the LED which is indicate the state of device charge.
Hi liyang,
Why do you think that the periph_init() function in the BLE_WAKEUP_LP_Handler() is the one that cause you problems? Is the current implementation working and over time it doesn't, have i understood correctly? In which point of your implementation you call the functions in order to start the system and start the PWM?
Thanks MT_dialog
就像我说的,我的PWM控制LED表明e the state of device charge. When I charge my device ,I need a continuous PWM wave for a long time . Actually when the device run for a few hours ,the PWM is not continuous . So you will see the LED is blinking. But I need the LED glow lasts.
except the call of the periph_init() function in the BLE_WAKEUP_LP_Handler(),which one can make the PWM discontinuous?
Hi liyang,
Is the watchdog timer enabled. Maybe this is because of the it. If the system doesn't sleep it never re-initializes the watchdog timer, and the watchdog timer overflows, this causes the system to issue a platform reset command and reboots. Can you please disable the watchdog timer if it is enabled and give it a try ?
Thanks MT_dialog
It has nothing to do with the watchdog timer.
Thanks liyang
Hi liyang,
Is the watchdog timer enabled in your project?
You can check if a platform reset issues by replacing the platform_reset_func in the jump_table.c file with a custom empty function and try to catch the call of the function with a break point in debbuging.
Thanks MT_dialog
Trust me , It has nothing to do with the watchdog timer.
Thanks liyang
Hi liyang,
Can you check if the probelm persists if you dont call disable sleep, but try to keep the da14580 awake in the app_asynch_proc function while charging and dont let it move further down in the loop in order to fall asleep?
Thanks MT_dialog