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Last seen:5 years 7 months ago
加入:2015-07-15 23:39

I am trying to find out more details about power consumption when not in Extended Sleep mode and not transmitting or receiving. I still want to use other features (ADC, GPIO, PWM) at this time but am using a battery as the power source. If someone could point me to the right document that would be awesome!

Thank you,

Last seen:2 months 3 weeks ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi areilly,

Hi areilly,

There is no document for the power consumption of the peripherals, you can refer to datasheet in order to find some additional information. You can refer to the datasheet paragraph 3.6.4 to have an estimation about the power consumption of the ADC. Also you can have a power estimation for the PWM by using the smart snippets tool. About the GPIO's it depends on the load they have to drive. In order to measure the power consumption of your system the best way to be sure is to measure it with a current consumption measurement tool with high sampling rate and having your device running your software. The software affects the overall consumption so just measuring the peripherals wont give you the full picture.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:5 years 7 months ago
加入:2015-07-15 23:39
I guess what I really meant,

I guess what I really meant, was if the MCU is processing data(calculations and such) and running at full speed (Non extended sleep mode @ 16Mhz), is there a typical current the device will consume (independent of the peripherals)? The software has not been written yet so I am looking for a general overview of its supply needs.

Thank you,

Last seen:2 months 3 weeks ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi areilly,

Hi areilly,

When the DA14580 is in idle state (isn't in extended or deep sleep mode) the current consumption is about 0.6mA.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:5 years 7 months ago
加入:2015-07-15 23:39
Thank you! -Andy

Thank you!


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