Programator doesn't work correctly

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Last seen:5 years 7 months ago
Joined:2015-07-16 18:10
Programator doesn't work correctly

i am using:
Keil IDE 5.15 (with required packs)
DA14580 basic development board
J-link software
examples first time works correctly ( when they are build first time). After changing for example, threshold value in blink example, build goes successfully, but debugging doesn't work due to fault in microcontroller (sometimes even Keil stops work). If I do those changes before first build - everything works.
I have tried:
Reset MCU before new debug - doesn't work;
Disconnect whole board from computer before new debug session - doesn't work.

So what should I do as it is very complicated now to work with this microcontroller?

Last seen:1 week 4 days ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi zvalus,

Hi zvalus,

Can you please paste the errors keil prints out? Besides Blinky have you tried any other example with sleep disabled of course in order to perform debug? Have you tried using the 5.14 version?

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:5 years 7 months ago
Joined:2015-07-16 18:10
Running blinky_arrived

Running blinky_arrived example first time debug starts in main.c file in main function.
After changes debug starts in file boot_vectors.s line 139 ( SVC_Handler) and program doesn't start. Keil doesn't print out any errors.
I have tired also DSPS example - same problem.
I didn't try to use earlier Keil versions. As all examples are written in Keil 4 version, at beginning I do a migration to Keil 5, maybe that's a cause?

Last seen:5 years 7 months ago
Joined:2015-07-16 18:10
Now I have tried on another

现在我试着在另一台计算机上Keil uVision 4.74.
Now after resetting MCU Blinky example works, so problem is with projects migration to Keil 5.

Last seen:1 week 4 days ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi zvalus,

Hi zvalus,

Thanks for indicating, although we haven't encounter any problems with migrating projects in keil 5 (at least version 5.14).

Thanks MT_dialog