I want to be able to control some GPIO pins on my dev board using an iPhone and / or Android phone. When the user clicks a button on the app, the GPIO should go high. Where can I find some sample code to look at --
1. Ideally it would have code that runs on DA14580.
2. Some sample that runs on iPhone or Android.
But the second is not required. As long as I have code that runs on DA14580 and a way to test it that would be great!
Hello Saleem, we have nothing 'off the shelf' on the phone side... the only thing from DA14580 we could suggest is to build a simple custom profile for DA14580 (see AN-B-029) . The only examples we have for the iPhone/Android side are quite more complex fully featured apps. BR JE_Dialog.
Hello ~I would like to have a sample code for the app you mentioned, where can i find it? is it for ios?
Hi Jasonhongpro
You can find the tutorial here,
also you can find some supporting material here:
Thanks MT_dialog
Hi there, if you look in the application notes for AN-B-029 you will find the tutorial and a zip file . BR JE_Dialog