I see that OTP is memory mapped when the OTP clock is enabled. Is it theoretically possible to execute code directly from OTP without mirroring it to RAM first? That would mean we could have some code in flash/eeprom (that is copied to RAM) and some code on the OTP to make it possible to have a larger code base than what fits into the 50 kB RAM.
如果是这样,what are the downsides (if any)?
Hi Joacimwe
Yes, theoretically it is possible, but your system it's going to be slower and consume more power than it is supose to consume because of the OTP, generally is not supported or recomended by Dialog.
Thanks MT_dialog
Hi. Thank you for your answer. About how much slower will it be?
Hi Joacimwe
The chip is going to be slower because the OTP is 1 byte and the system will need two fetches in order to get one instruction....i suppose that this will make the system run in half speed at least than normal, but its difficult to say exactly.
Thanks Marios