Run the peripheral example, can not input.

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Zheng Li
Last seen:5 years 3 months ago
加入:2015-06-17 06:58
Run the peripheral example, can not input.

I follow the guide (UM-B-005 Peripheral Examples), connect debugger via "ttermpro", and it outputs sample strings. But I can not input anything, even a "enter". How to fix it? Thank you.

Keil uVision5,
DA14580 Development Kit - Expert.

Last seen:1 week 3 days ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Zheng Li

Hi Zheng Li

What is the value of the HARDWARE_CONFIGURATION_INDEX definition in the periph_setup.h file?

If is set to (0) SPI_FLASH_WITH_UART_EXAMPLE you have to reconfigure your jumper settings, remove the jumper from header J25 pin 3 and connect it with P0_7 pin. WithHARDWARE_CONFIGURATION_INDEX (1) and (2) the header should be populated with two jumpers. Please try and let know.

Thanks MT_dialog.

Zheng Li
Last seen:5 years 3 months ago
加入:2015-06-17 06:58
Hi MT_dialog,

Hi MT_dialog,
The HARDWARE_CONFIGURATION_INDEX is (0), and I "remove the jumper from header J25 pin 3 and connect it with P0_7 pin". Itneither input nor outputnow.
Maybe P0_7 is wrong? My kit is Expert version, the UM-B-014 said "P0_7 with the D2 led". Fortunately, now the D2 led is always on.

Last seen:1 week 3 days ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Zheng Li,

Hi Zheng Li,

Please have a look at the doc UM-B-005 Peripheral examples page 8 to make sure of the connection. If this doesn't work please apply both jumpers in the J25 header and change theHARDWARE_CONFIGURATION_INDEX to (1) or (2), try that and let us know.

Thanks MT_dialog

Zheng Li
Last seen:5 years 3 months ago
加入:2015-06-17 06:58
Hi MT_dialog,

Hi MT_dialog,
Thank you. I set HARDWARE_CONFIGURATION_INDEX to (2), problem solved.

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