DSPS : Data missed/erreneous intermittantly

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Last seen:5 years 8 months ago
加入:2015-05-22 11:17
DSPS : Data missed/erreneous intermittantly

We are using the PAN1740 USB dongle and the DA14580_DSPS_3.150.2 "sps_device" firmware on it. We have an external controller sending the data to the DA14580 through UART.
We are sending about 10 bytes of data through UART each time the user presses a key. We observe the received data over BT using the DSPS app on android.
What we see is that sometimes, upon key press, all the bytes are received correctly, sometimes the complete data is missed and does not appear on the android device. We also observe that sometimes junk characters appear in the console.

What could be the possible reason for this intermittent erroneous behavior? Note that we have connected only the UART RX/TX and ground lines of the PAN1740 to the controllers UART lines. We dont use the hardware flow control. Can this be causing the issue?(We tried modifying the flow control to SW in da14580_config.h file but still the problem persists.

Please help..


Last seen:2 months 1 week ago
Guru Panasonic
加入:2014-01-16 11:19
Hello Aravinda,

Hello Aravinda,
this sounds like the UART baudrate offset is to high. Can you check the signals with a logic analyser?
Best regards,

Last seen:5 years 8 months ago
加入:2015-05-22 11:17
Hello Ingo,

Hello Ingo,
When the file "da14580_config.h" was modified to use the SW flow control and both the sleep modes(extended/deep) were disabled(by using #undef), we are able to get the data consistently. However, with the sleep modes enabled, the above issue still exists. How do we ensure no loss of data whilst enabling the sleep modes?


Last seen:4 months 1 week ago
加入:2014-08-14 08:17
How do you solve it. I am

How do you solve it. I am facing this problem now.

Last seen:5 years 8 months ago
加入:2015-05-22 11:17

正如我上面提到的post, in the file "da14580_config.h", if both the sleep modes are undefined and the flow control is changed to software(by defining the corresponding macro), this issue is resolved. However as Ingo mentions, there seems to be a limitation in HW on the dongle to be able to use the sleep modes.

Last seen:2 months 1 week ago
Guru Panasonic
加入:2014-01-16 11:19
Hello Aravinda,

Hello Aravinda,

we faced some problems due to HW flow control missing on the dongle (it is a limited ODB license by Segger). The sleep modes need HW flow control to wake up. HW flow control is not supported so far on the dongle and you would need to get the Pro-Kit. There is HW flow control enabled by the Segger controller. Sorry for this, but also if you like to measure the sleep modes the Pro-kit is a great tool you may want to get for evaluation. Till then can you send us your schematic and layout as well as the SW you are using towireless@eu.panasonic.comfor review?
Then we will look further into this issue in the next days and let you know if any solution can be provided.

Best regards,

Last seen:4 months 1 week ago
加入:2014-08-14 08:17
I have been meeting this

I have been meeting this problem for a week. could you tell me how to solve it.

Last seen:2 weeks 4 hours ago
加入:2013-12-05 14:02
Hi RockyLee, right now, the

Hi RockyLee, right now, the DSPS project needs HW flow control to support extended sleep. Without HW flow control, you will find the behaviour that you mention. To test using the USB stick, the only way is to undefine the sleep function. To test with sleep, then you would need the HW flow control to be implemented. A key reason for this is that it is within the architecture of the design to achieve high throughput, as DSPS is capable of high data rates.

BR JE_Dialog