I am trying to get Proximity example working using two DA14580 boards (PAN1740 USB ver 1.0).
The proximity reporter is silent on Bluetooth.
Both the proximity monitor and a separate BLE scanner app on iOS (Light Blue) do not show any activity coming from DA14580.
Here is what I have done:
Notation: DA14580_581_583_SDK_3.0.10.1 has been copied into "SDK" folder.
Build SDK\dk_apps\keil_projects\proximity\prox_reporter_ext_usb\Keil_5\prox_reporter_ext_usb.uvprojx in MDK5
debug, [run], exit debug
运行SDK \二进制\主机\ Windows \ Proximity \ eporer \ host_proxr_sdk.exe
#DA14580 Proximity Reporter Demo应用程序#
No cmdline arguments.
Enter COM port number (values: 1-65535, blank to exit): 62
Connecting to COM62
COM62 succesfully opened, baud rate 115200
Waiting for DA14580 Device
upgrade_image2.img already exists.
#DA14580 Proximity Reporter Demo应用程序#
No cmdline arguments.
Enter COM port number (values: 1-65535, blank to exit): 62
Connecting to COM62
COM62 succesfully opened, baud rate 115200
Waiting for DA14580 Device
upgrade_image1.img header init确定。
upgrade_image2.img header init OK.
=== Monitor ===
Build SDK\dk_apps\keil_projects\proximity\prox_monitor_ext_usb\Keil_5\prox_monitor_ext_usb.uvprojx in MDK5
debug, exit debug
运行SDK \二进制\主机\ Windows \ Proximity \ Monitor \ host_proxm_sdk.exe
# DA1458x Proximity Monitor demo application #
# No. bd_addr Name Rssi #
#1 00:04:3E:08:61:3a放大!-75 db#
#2 D0:5F:B8:57:E3:DC Zephyr HXM200012337 -91 DB
Select number of device to connect or 'S' to Rescan:
So the monitor is detecting other BLE devices, however not the Reporter.
I am following UM-B-010 and the "PAN1740 Design Guide" Chapter 12 (rev 1.6) which gives a step by step instruction for setting up both ends of Proximity using DA14580.
Maybe there is a problem with line // Sleep(100); in app.c of host_proxr_sdk, it is taking 100% of one of my win7x64 CPUs.
Unfortunately, windows.h is missing from SDK\host_apps\windows\proximity\reporter\host_proxr_sdk so I was not able to rebuild in Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Community.
Any thoughts on how to proceed?
Hi Owen,
Unfortunately I can not reproduce this issue it compile fine on my W32 system. Do you have the ability to compile on W32?
I send you an email.
hi Ingo
Thanks for your answer. Today I cannot access the email address that you sent to.
Please resend email to oekelly at ieee.org.
Exe编译问题是次要的,我可以probably fix it by using visual 2010 instead of 2013. (I'll try that)
无法使用最新的SDK在Pan1740上运行Prox Reporter是对我来说更重要的问题。记录为工作的SDK版本(3.02?)无法再下载。
My build of prox_monitor_ext_usb in mdk5 has two warnings. 1. Development debug is set 2. Gpio assignment checking active
I am new to these tools so grasping at straws for possible causes of Bluetooth silence.
prox_reporter on PAN1740 USB
有没有人在Pan1740 USB上运行Prox_Reporter_ext_usb项目(SDK版本3.0.1),其中包含MDK5环境?
如果是,请报告如何开始。SDK软件(我假设)与对话框开发套件完全兼容。因此,我想知道我可能与对话框开发套件和Pan1740 USB之间的硬件差异有关的问题。(睡眠模式支持......,GPIO差异,...... ???)。或者可能有人可以确认prox_reporter_ext_usb绝对不能在pan1740 USB上运行。
Thank you for your thoughts.
Hello Dialog,
We need the source code of 3.0.2 SDK to investigate further.
The reason is as follows. On PAN1740 USB, the following project combination FAILs to advertise:
rev 3.0.10 \host_apps\windows\proximity\reporter\host_proxr_sdk\host_proxr_sdk.exe
rev 3.0.10 \dk_apps\keil_projects\proximity\prox_reporter_ext_usb\Keil_5\prox_reporter_ext_usb.uvprojx
rev \host_apps\windows\proximity\reporter\host_proxr_sdk\host_proxr_sdk.exe
rev 3.0.10 \dk_apps\keil_projects\proximity\prox_reporter_ext_usb\Keil_5\prox_reporter_ext_usb.uvprojx
However we only have the binary exe of rev host_proxr_sdk.exe, not the source, so we are unable to investigate further.
Please provide us with access to SDK so that we can investigate.
Hi owen,
SDK sent.
Thanks MT_dialog
Hello Dialog,
I have the same issue. Could you please provide us the access to SDK, too?
Hi carstenbeyer,
Can you please go to the current implementation of the windows proximity reporter application source code, and try to change the #if 0 to 1 in file app_task.c, in function proxr_create_db_cfm_handler and give it another try.
Thanks MT_dialog
Hi Dialog,
I am trying to accomplish something similar. I am trying to get prox_reporter_ext to talk over UART to the Windows host application. I am using a Murata P2ML3656 Dev Kit, which contains the Dialog 14580.
Any suggestions for what is wrong?
Thank you.
Hi noah,
I am not very familiar with the Murata dev kit but I ve checked with the MURATA P2ML3656 with no changes applied on the fw (the prox_reporter_ext) or set your HW into a pro dk, no other changes and i was able to communicate via UART, can you please try with a clear SDK and set the pins on your board to default ?
Thanks MT_dialog
Hi MT_dialog,
That worked--the default GPIO settings were needed. Thanks for your help with this.