Problem with new version of smart snippets

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Last seen:4 years 10 months ago
加入:2014-09-08 10:21
Problem with new version of smart snippets


我am trying to use the new version of smart snippets with my DA14580 with external EEPROM. I select the I2C pins and it successfully writes, but when I read the data back it is not correct.
This means I cannot write firmware to my EEPROM and boot

我f I replace jtag_programmer.bin I can then program correctly. Is there a bug in this new version of smart snippets?

Last seen:1 month 3 days ago
加入:2014-02-07 14:10
Hi, We have done some tests

Hi, We have done some tests and confirm that there is an issue with reading back I2C data back from an EEPROM with smartsnippets connected via UART. When connected via JTAG (SW) there is no issue as far we can see. I will raise the issue internally and come back to you.

Best regards, RvA

Last seen:4 years 10 months ago
加入:2014-09-08 10:21
Strange, with the old version

Strange, with the old version of jtag_programmer.bin it works fine. I also have a problem with JTAG programming where over a certain point (I think after the address 0x1000) I cannot write to memory. With uart it works fine - maybe its connected?

Please let me know if you find anything, I will happy to send you screenshots showing the problem if it helps

Last seen:1 month 3 days ago
加入:2014-02-07 14:10
Hi, we have done some more

Hi, we have done some more testing in the lab and could not reproduce the issue reading back I2C data back from an EEPROM with smartsnippets connected via UART. We redone the test with SmartSnippets V3.8 and we can read and write the EEPROM. We tested 2 different EEPROM boards without any problem. Are you still seeing this EEPROM issue?

Last seen:4 years 10 months ago
加入:2014-09-08 10:21


My problem is with JTAG and not UART. UART actually works fine

我have tested this recently and noticed that the problem still exists

我also see that with the new version of smart snippets, I cannot write correct data to EEPROM at all. I need to revert jtag_programmer.bin to an older version for it to work