There is some project like sample128_After section 5.4 that is related to file AN-B-029 Developing a Bluetooth Smart custom profile_V1.0.
I only change some code below to make da14580 go to deep sleep.
/*Sleep modes*/
/*Sleep modes*/
But after that,I can't find any information about the da14580 device on my android app that can be found before changing.
what's wrong and what can I do to make it work?
Besides,the project is has 5 warnings below.I don't know what they means?can you explain?
..\..\..\src\plf\refip\src\arch\main\ble\arch_main.c(116): warning: #1215-D: #warning directive: "==============================================================> DEVELOPMENT_DEBUG is set!"
#warning "==============================================================> DEVELOPMENT_DEBUG is set!"
..\..\..\src\plf\refip\src\arch\main\ble\arch_main.c(118): warning: #1215-D: #warning directive: "The device shall not use Deep Sleep mode when DEVELOPMENT_DEBUG = 1!"
#warning "The device shall not use Deep Sleep mode when DEVELOPMENT_DEBUG = 1!"
..\..\..\src\plf\refip\src\arch\main\ble\arch_main.c(119): warning: #1215-D: #warning directive: "Extended Sleep mode shall be used instead!"
#warning "Extended Sleep mode shall be used instead!"
..\..\..\src\plf\refip\src\driver\gpio\gpio.c(59): warning: #1215-D: #warning directive: "GPIO assignment checking is active! Deactivate before burning OTP..."
#warning "GPIO assignment checking is active! Deactivate before burning OTP..."
..\..\..\src\plf\refip\src\driver\gpio\gpio.c: 1 warning, 0 errors
..\..\..\scatterfiles\scatterfile_common.sct(411): warning: L6314W: No section matches pattern app_spotar.o(spotar_patch_area).
OH!Two more stange things happen!
If I quit debugging,information about the da14580 device can be found again on my android app.If I quit debugging ,it works.
If I do not press the reset button on the board,I can't debug again.
Is there anyone?
Hi lyncxy119
Sorry, just give us some time to look into it.
We 'll contact you when we 've got something new.
Hi lyncxy119
per another thread:
"Deep sleep or extened sleep conflicts with the J-Link debugger. You have to stop the debugger for the device to start advertizing. You can also disable (undefine) both sleep modes in the da14580_config.h file or each project, this will allow you to also use the debugger."
Check this post please
Thanks MT_dialog
why extended mode conflicts with debug?
Hi lyncxy119
The debugger won't let the device sleep, if sleep is enabled and debug is up the code won’t go any further.
Thanks MT_dialog