DSPS example code on Murata ZY module

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Brian Dooleweer...
Last seen:5 years 10 months ago
加入:2015-05-21 10:29
DSPS example code on Murata ZY module


Sorry if this is off-topic.

Does anyone have any experience running the DSPS example code on a Murata ZY module? Do I need to change anything in the example code?

I'm trying to connect it to a DA14580Basic Dev kit but with no luck. Later today I should receive another DA14580Basic Dev kit. Hopefully they will work together with the DSPS examples...

Should I get any response on the host and or the device serial ports when they connect?

Best regards

Last seen:1 month 1 day ago
加入:2013-12-05 14:02
Hello Brian, do you have the

Hello Brian, do you have the full Murata development kit ? (the motherboard and plug-in board with the module).

Please note that if you are using a BASIC kit, you do need to follow section 8 in the DSPS user guide as the segger interface chip doesn't supoprt HW flow control on the basic board. This reqires the use fo the FTDI cable. So, if you are using a iOS or Android phone as master, this should work quite nicely with one basic kit and you can see that working.

If you are using two dev kits or a module and dev kit, one has to be programmed as host, one as device. BR JE_Dialog

Brian Dooleweer...
Last seen:5 years 10 months ago
加入:2015-05-21 10:29
Hi JE_Dialog

Hi JE_Dialog

Thanks for your answer.

我已经错过了使用r guide from the download section of the website. I will try to follow section 8, and hopefully it will then work...

I do not have any Murata Dev. kits. I have our own custom HW, with the Murata ZY module on.
