你好银,一个干扰of the 16MHz clock we anticipate would not be very critical as long as you do not perform any frequency sensitive tasks (e.g. Bluetooth or accurate PWM) - but we have not tested for any other secondary effects on the MCU, so cannot make any guarantee. There are no itnernal tips or tricks unfortuantely.. The only thing you can do to reduce risk is to slow the edge through a series resistor on the output. Best Regards, JE_Dialog
您好窃货员,我们没有测试数据,如您描述的那样的慢速单边缘事件(转动开关打开/关闭) - 我们只有在频率下的正弦和方波> 10 kHz。电压越高,频率越高(高达500kHz),每个值越高。
通常,P1_2和P1_3处的频率<10kHz对16 MHz XTAL振荡器不太敏感。
我们预计单个边缘事件不会打扰16 MHz XTAL振荡器。如果可能,需要减慢边缘速率,例如,速度有一些少量的教会。DA14580的I / O中没有边缘速率控制。总的来,我们相信对单一边缘事件的影响将非常有限,但我们会建议您查看此功能。
你好银,一个干扰of the 16MHz clock we anticipate would not be very critical as long as you do not perform any frequency sensitive tasks (e.g. Bluetooth or accurate PWM) - but we have not tested for any other secondary effects on the MCU, so cannot make any guarantee. There are no itnernal tips or tricks unfortuantely.. The only thing you can do to reduce risk is to slow the edge through a series resistor on the output. Best Regards, JE_Dialog