I have a DA14531-00FXDEVKT-U (Development Kit-USB) and a ADXL345 accelerometer. I want to do the "Reading I2C Accelerometer BLE" example. But P0_2 pin is connected to both SCL and SWCLK. I get an error "__BKPT(0);" while debugging the code. Can you help me?
Thank you in advance.
Hi ozgurkoc,
Thanks for your question online and for your interest in our BLE solution. TheDA14531-DA14585-586 Reading I2C Accelerometer BLEis using the P03 for the ADXL345_SCL and the P01 for the ADXL345_SDA – see user_ADXL345.h file.
So, did you change the pin configuration for the ADXL345_SCL from P03 to P02?
The DA14531 is using the P02 for the SWCLK. It is possible to remap the SWD to different GPIOs.
The SWD signal mapping is defined by SYS_CTRL_REG[DEBUGGER_ENABLE] bitfield. Set this bitfield to :
然而,SW_CLK总是s mapped to P0_2 as you can see.
There are two possible solutions for this issue:
In which file the “__BKPT(0);” hits?
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Thank you PM_Dialog for your quick reply. I configured the ADXL345_SCL to any of the available pins ( for example P03 as default ) and used the P02 as SWCLK. It worked.
Hi ozgurkoc,
Thanks for accepting my answer and glad that you got it working. If you have any other follow-up question, please raise a new forum post.
Thanks, PM_Dialog