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Last seen:3 weeks 6 days ago
Joined:2021-01-20 11:22
SUOTA Failing

Hello Dialog,

I am not able to do SUOTA on DA145xx Pro Development Kit.

While downloading image from Android Mobile, I am getting an error, "Invalid Product Header"

Is anyone aware of this problem?

From the tutorial, the product header size is 64 bytes.

But after loading the multipart image file in SmartSnippet Toolbox, I am not able to see 64 bytes of product header in that. It shows only 24 bytes of product header.

Is this the reason for failing SUOTA?



Last seen:5 hours 32 min ago
Joined:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi Flaby,

Hi Flaby,

Thanks for your question online.

Firstly, I would recommend using the latest SST which is version 5.0.14. If you are using a previous version, please update it with the last one.

This error means that something went wrong with the multi-image generation and the product header is invalid.

My suggestion would be to follow the tutorial in a clean SDK directory using the pxp_reporter examples of the SDK.

However, the tutorial is missing a step - we are working on that. You will need to modify the sdk_version.h file and have 2 different files : fw_1_version.h and fw_2_version.h

When creating the single image – “make single image” – figure 7, you first need to check that the sdk_version.h file is up to date. The sdk_version.h can be found under the following path:

C:\程序文件(x86)\ smartsnippetstoolbox \ smartsnippetstoolbox5.0.14 \ common_resources \ supportpackages \ da1453x \ toolbox_resources \ common \ sdk_version.h

When creating the second .img file - “make single image” , the sdk_version.h file should be modified again in the same location, in order to have a newer revision number.

Once the multi-image is generated, bunt the flash without making the device bootable. When the Flash is burnt, verify that the product header is at address 0x38000.

Please let me know with the results!

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:3 weeks 6 days ago
Joined:2021-01-20 11:22
Hello PM_Dialog,

Hello PM_Dialog,


I follow "Tutorial BLE SUOTA Update". I use SST version 5.0.14 and clean SDK directory using the pxp_reporter examples of the SDK.

Attached are the files compiled, generated, and used for testing.




Last seen:5 hours 32 min ago
Joined:2018-02-08 11:03

Hi flaby,

Thanks for the attached files.

The multi-image seems to be generated properly :

0x00000 à bootloader ( starts with 70 50 )

0x04000 à 1st图像(以70 51开始)

0x1F000 à 2st图像(以70 51开始)

0x38000à产品标题(以70 52开始)

Question : what is the value of the PRODUCT_HEADER_POSITION in the\utilities\secondary_bootloader and\projects\target_apps\ble_examples\prox_reporter projects? Can you please verify that both have been built with the PRODUCT_HEADER_POSITION configured to 0x38000.

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:3 weeks 6 days ago
Joined:2021-01-20 11:22
Hello Dialog,

Hello Dialog,

PRODUCT_HEADER_POSITION is 0x38000 both prox_reporter project(app_suotar.h) and secondary_bootloader project(bootloader.h)



Last seen:5 hours 32 min ago
Joined:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi Flaby,

Hi Flaby,

Unfortunately, I am not able to replicate this. I have tested this in my side and I am able to perform SUOTA. Please check the .hex and .img files that I am using.

Important : when generating every single image, in the 2nd步骤SS Toolbox将要求您选择SDK标题文件(请参阅(SDK_VERSION)。

In case of fw_1.img, in the first step you should select the fw_1.h ( figure 7 ) and the sdk_version_1.h in step 2 ( figure 8 ).

In case of fw_2.img, in the first step you should select the fw_2.h ( figure 7 ) and the sdk_version_2.h in step 2 ( figure 8 )

This step is missing in figure 8. See attached.

The sdk_version_1.h and sdk_version_2.h should contain different sdk information. Otherwise, you will get a “same image” error.

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:3 weeks 6 days ago
Joined:2021-01-20 11:22
Hello Dialog,

Hello Dialog,

With your tested files also the app was giving same error.

然后我注意到,应用程序是使用differrent组of SPI pins. I changed the pins and images which I created(which you shared), all are working fine now.

Thanks for your support.

The error "Invalid product header" made me to doubt on the image creation.

Thanks for sharing the tested files which helped me to check the other settings.



Last seen:5 hours 32 min ago
Joined:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi flaby,

Hi flaby,

Thanks for accepting my answer. Please try to follow again the tutorial plus my suggestions and let me know with the results.

Thanks, PM_Dialog