Production serialization

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Last seen:1个月4天前
加入:2020-11-06 09:30
Production serialization


In order to program serial number in production, I need to place a variable array in a fixed place I can access with the flash programmer when uploading firmware. The variable content will be exposed when advertising the device serial number characteristic.

Which is the best way to do it? I would prefer not to use OTP at this time.

Thank you.

Last seen:3 hours 39 min ago
加入:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi paolog,

Hi paolog,

Thanks for your question online. Yes you could use the SPI Flash and store the serial number into a specific address. Once it is stored into the flash, you can read it and add into the advertising string.

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:1个月4天前
加入:2020-11-06 09:30
Perfect. What would be a safe

Perfect. What would be a safe fixed address on this device? Could you please provide an example of defining such a variable?

Thank you.

Last seen:3 hours 39 min ago
加入:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi paolog,

Hi paolog,

If the device boots from the SPI flash, then you should check in which addresses the application fw is stored. After that, you should select any of the “free” address to store your custom data. I would recommend first checking the projects\target_apps\peripheral_examples\spi\spi_flash example of the SDK. You could also check theUsing SDK6 Peripheral Drivers (HTML)tutorial and section 5.

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:1个月4天前
加入:2020-11-06 09:30
Great, I'll try that.

Great, I'll try that.

Thank you!