JLINK Adapter - It appears that the minimal pins used for the DA14580 is SWCLK, SWDIO, Reset, Vcc, Gnd. Is there an adapter that takes me down to the minimal number of pins? I checked on this page:https://www.segger.com/jlink-adapters.html. It looks like the J-Link 9-pin Cortex-M Adapter, would work with the following assumptions:
1) Vtref gets tied to 3.3V. On a diagram for another adapter, Vtref is simply left unconnected in a schematic they provide, so not certain which is the case.
2) SWTDIO connected
3) SWCLK connected
4) SWO unconnected
5) TDI unconnected
6) nReset - since Rset on the DA14580 is active high, I assume that I need to provide an inverter on the board to handle this
7) Pins 7 and 9 unconnected
8) Pins 3 & 5 get tied to ground.
Hello Jimctr, sorry for delay : I have assgined someone to look into this for you and we'll respond shortly. BR JE_Dialog
Hi Jim:
I will find out which is the right jlink adaptor board to use.
For the short term, if you have Dialog Kit you can use it as an adaptor as well.
Please review the corresponding schematic, and remove jumpers as needed.
You basiclly will have to isolate the DA14580 pins, and connect the signals from the DA14580 from your board.
Hi Jim:
DA14580 requires the following signals to work. You can choose an appropriate model:
Minimum configuration of the JTAG connector is:
Vtref - Vbat
SWCLK - connected
SWDIO - connected
Gnd - connected
It is interesting why J-Link debugger or its connector doesn't have VPP supply voltage. How should I program OTP memory at small board?
Hi Michael,
For OTP programming you can use the UART interface. You need the following signals for minimum connector:
With this set of signals you can program the OTP and calibrate the XTAL (with our soon to be released production line test tool). Reset is optional as it can be done via power cycling. If you plan to use your own test and program environment you can add an XTAL calibration pulse input and RST input.
Best regards, RvA