Codeless DA14580 stops advertising after 10s

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Last seen:1 month 4 weeks ago
加入:2017-05-09 20:27
Codeless DA14580 stops advertising after 10s

Hello Dialog support !

We have flashed Codeless DA14580 on our custom board and after boot time the sytem is advertising it's Device name for about 10 seconds on that period of time the system works fine

We want to have the system on active mode. I have flashed also on Dialogs Dev kit basic and works fine the system it;s not going on sleep .

Thanks in advance,


Last seen:1 week 2 days ago
加入:2016-09-19 23:20
Hi Marios,

Hi Marios,

The CodeLess application by default is set to sleep after 10 seconds after the boot up. The device will go into Extended sleep mode configuration after this time. Unless a character is received over the UART, this is the default config. I am guessing this is what is different from your custom board vs the development kit.

这是无编码的用户指南中提到的。请求se check the link below for the description.,

You can modify this by setting the configuration in user_config.h file.


Last seen:1 month 4 weeks ago
加入:2017-05-09 20:27
Hello LC_Dialog!

Hello LC_Dialog!

Thanks for your quick reply !

我有Flased Codeless CodeLess_v_5.380.5.4.0 on my DA14580 custom board

and i want to set it on binary mode i have send the folwing comands


and i have conected sucessfully but how i'm entering in binary mode to send data ?

在+ BINREQ comand给我错误

我有one da14580 (codeless) and second Device (dsps)

must both devises run Codeless ?

Thanks in advance,


Last seen:1 day 15 hours ago
加入:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi Marios,

Hi Marios,

The CodeLess_v_5.380.5.4.0 for DA14580 does not support the “Binary mode”.

This feature is supported on latest version of the CodeLess ( version 6.380.12.6 ) and is applicable only for the DA14585/586 and DA14531 product families.

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:1 month 4 weeks ago
加入:2017-05-09 20:27

Hello PM_Dialog!

Thanks for your quick reply !

We have tried the Light Blue application for android and the only AT command that is accepted from DA14580 with codeless is the AT+PRINT=Hello The other commands for example AT,ATE,AT+BATT gives ERROR INVALID NO AT COMMAND why is this happening ?

We have tried also the Ble scanner application and we get the same situation.

Thanks in advance,


Last seen:1 day 15 hours ago
加入:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi Marios,

Hi Marios,

Quick question just for a clarification : What is the version of the CodeLess that you are using with the DA14580 SoC? Is it the 6.380.12.6, or the 5.380.5.4.0 ?

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:1 month 4 weeks ago
加入:2017-05-09 20:27
Hello PM_Dialog !

Hello PM_Dialog !

Thanks for your quick reply !

I'm using the 5.380.5.4.0 on the DA 14580

Thanks in advance,


Last seen:1 day 15 hours ago
加入:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi Marios,

Hi Marios,

Sorry but I am not able to replicate this. Just run the CodeLess (version 5.380.5.4.0) in the DA14580 Pro-DK, and all the AT commands can be executed successfully.

Can you please provide more insights on this? Did you modify the source code? Does the device boot from RAM or FLASH?

Can you also check if UART Flow Control is enabled?

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:1 month 4 weeks ago
加入:2017-05-09 20:27
Hello pM __ Dialog!

Hello pM __ Dialog!

Thanks for your quick reply!

We use external spi flash

No codeless code it's not modified ony we have set difrent pin for UART because we have conflict at pin 0_5 and we have set at 1_3

Baud rate at 9800 on both sides microcontroller and ble.


we receive Hell we loose the last letter and we send always the last letter twice to get the correct Message HELLO . Keep in mind we used the same custom board also for DSPS and we haven't any data loss.

Thanks in advance,


Last seen:1 day 15 hours ago
加入:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi Marios,

Hi Marios,

>> we have set difrent pin for UART because we have conflict at pin 0_5 and we have set at 1_3

Given that different pins are used for the UART, can you please check if you have configured them in the user_periph_setup.h / .c files according?

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:1 month 4 weeks ago
加入:2017-05-09 20:27
Hello PM_Dialog !

Hello PM_Dialog !

Thanks for your quick reply !

YES. We have configured the pins in user_periph_setup.h / .c files

Can you please specify why we lose the last character in the string we send using the AT+PRINT=string?

Additionally, We face another problem on the new development kit for DA14586 where we are trying to flash the internal SPI memory and althought we can read the memory contents, we CANNOT erase the memory in order to burn the Hex file of codeless.

请求se suggest the modifications we have to apply in order to download the HEX codeless software in the internal flash memory od DA14586 in the development kit.

Thank you in advance


Last seen:1 day 15 hours ago
加入:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi Marios,

Hi Marios,

Regarding the UART issue, can you please indicate if you are using HW Flow control? In my case I am not able to replicate this. Is it a custom board, or any of the DKs?

Regarding the follow up question about DA14586, I would recommend creating a new forum thread with your issue. Please also indicate the version of the SmartSnippets Toolbox that you are using. Can you also share a log file from the toolbox?

Thanks, PM_Dialog