Hi , dialog
We want to use DA14695 RGB interface. But we don't know what exactly RGB pin connection. Such as NHD43480272EFASXN LCD module , which driver IC is ST7282T2 , I guess we should use its Serial 8-bit RGB interface according to its datasheet. But , how 8-bit RGB interface(G0-G7) is connected to DA14695 G0,G1,B0, B1, R0, R1?
Hi guxiang,
Thanks for your question. Can you please indicate the DK that you are using? Is it the Pro-DK, or the USB-Kit?
Additionally, are you interest in using the LED driver? If yes, it is available in DA14697 and DA14699.
There is such an example too :DA14699 Led Driver
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Hi PM_Dialog,
The hardware platform is DA14695 Development Kit-pro.
Hi guxiang,
Please refer toUM-B-093 User Manual: DA14695 Pro Kitand read the note in page 11.
“The RGB LED is only available on the DA14699 daughterboard”
What is the daughterboard that you are using? Is it the DA14695?
The schematics of the Pro-DK are available for download too:
Thanks, PM_Dialog
hi ,PM_Dialog
We want to use LCD RGB interface , not the RGB LED. And the daughterboard is DA14695 . It seems that DA14695 supports LCD RGB interface. But we don't know how DA14695 6-bit LCD RGB interface(G0,G1,B0, B1, R0, R1) is connect to a LCD module RGB interface. According to one Dialog Application note: "AN-B-074: DA1469x emWin Graphic Library and GUI" chap 6 "6. Graphics Display Interface (GDI)... table 1" , the NHD43480272EFASXN LCD model(RGB interface) was supported by Dialog. We want to know the hardware connection between DA14695 and the NHD43480272EFASXN LCD model(RGB interface). Thanks!
Hi guxiang,
Thanks for the explanation. Just for your information, in order to use the specific screen, you will also need the following material :
FPC Extension Board
Capacitive Touch Panel Breakout Board
40-pin TFT Breakout Board with LED driver
Additionally, the dg_configUSE_NHD43480272EFASXN macro should be set to 1 in the custom_config_XXX.h file of theDA1469x emWin demonstration. This will enable all the drivers and configuration for the NHD43480272EFASXN.
Then, please follow the dg_configUSE_NHD43480272EFASXN in the peripheral_setup.h file and you will find in which pins the LCD should be connected to the DA14695.
Following again the aforementioned macro in platform_devices.c file, you will also find the pin configuration - nhd43480272efasxn_gpio_cfg. All of them except from the NHD43480272EFASXN_DISP_PIN are configured as HW_GPIO_FUNC_LCD, thus you can not re-configure them to other pins. The NHD43480272EFASXN_DISP_PIN is configured as HW_GPIO_FUNC_GPIO, so you can change it to any pin you would like.
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Hi , PM_Dialog.
Thanks for the reply. I have understood the LCD RGB pin configuration on DA14695 , but I still don't know how it should connect to a LCD module. Because DA14695 have only 6 RGB color data output pins(R0,R1,G0,G1,B0,B1) , but normally a LCD module have 24 RGB data lines([R0-R7],[G0-G7],[B0-B7]) . How DA14965 6 RGB lines connect to LCD module 24 RGB data lines? Such as nhd43480272efasxn lcd module , I guess the connection is : R0-G0, R1-G1, G0-G2, G1-G3, B0-G4 , B1-G5 , is that right?
Hi guxiang,
That’s correct, the DA1469x has only 6 pins for the RGB. So, you will have to take the 2 most significant bits from each color from the LCD that you are using and connect them to the DA1469x.
The 2 MSB from each color are enough to fully represent the displayed image. The other 6 LSB are used for the color intercity. We use 2 bits from each color just to save pins.
It’s possible to have other output color formats such as RGB565/RGB666/RGB888, but in all cases the DA1469x will take only the 2 MSB from each color as an output.
Thanks, PM_Dialog