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Last seen:2 months 3 days ago
加入:2020-11-02 10:32
Cli programmer issue


I am a trainee for a company that want to develop a system with your product.

I configure my DA14695 USB KIT with the manual UMB103(DA14695 USB Kit (dialog-semiconductor.com)) and the manual UMB057 to install SmartSnippet studio (user_manual_um-b-057.pdf (dialog-semiconductor.com)) . At the manual UMB 103 I success all the steps until 4.2.3: Burning the Image into Flash Memory , i have this error :

Programming image
cli_programmer 1.26
Copyright (c) 2015-2019 Dialog Semiconductor

cannot open gdb interface - reason: -200

. cli_programmer.exe" has exited with code: 1
. call: "C:\Users\aaa\Witecare\WiRa_10.440.8.6\binaries\cli_programmer.exe" --cfg C:\Users\aaa\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpadgtjn1i --check-booter-load --no-kill gdbserver write_qspi 8192 C:\Users\aaa\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpqvpf1lg5


I try to uninstall and install many times, i had the same error. I follow the video that similar at my device2. Creating a New Project — Starting a Project Tutorial (dialog-semiconductor.com)but no sucess.

To help you this is what i using now :

Device : DA14695-00HQDEVKT-RANG

JLINk Version : JBLinkV6.4

SmartSnippetStudio version : 2.0.14

SDK i use : Wira 10.440.8.6

So how to solve this error?

Thank you in advance for your answer.


Last seen:1 week 20 min ago
加入:2019-12-30 09:02
Hi MartinWitecare,

Hi MartinWitecare,

Thanks for your question. Please find my comment below.

  1. Did you try to program the DK over UART instead of using JTAG?
  2. Turn the on-board SW6 to 3V position (VBAT)
  3. I would recommend also checking that JLINK is installed and is running properly in your enviroment. If you follow the installer and the SSS it should be OK.
  4. Then, make sure that any other JLINK instance is not running already
  5. Check that your account has the appropriate rights to execute the JLINK.
  6. Try to install the net-tools if it is not installed : sudo apt install net-tools.

Best regards,


Last seen:2 months 3 days ago
加入:2020-11-02 10:32


After your answer i follow your recommendation but no success. Please in below what i did to each of your comments.

1.I use an UART to see if the 2 device that i have connected show distances on my pc. And i just manipulate cli mode to see what is this but only that.

2. I put my device DA14695_USB at the positon of VBAT with the guide UMB 103.

3.I check JLINK with the JLINK commander that he detected and connected the device DA14695 on my PC. i use the configuration of SWD because with JTAG i have no success. (See in atachment file Jcommander DA14695)

4.When i build QSPI_relase and run program_qspi_JTAG i use only the instance SmartSnippet Studio .

5.I check and fix it.

6. I install net tools on my pc windows 10, what i do with that?

Do you need more details? Or do you want other information?

Thank you in advance for your anwser.


Last seen:10 hours 9 min ago
加入:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi Martin,

Hi Martin,

I am using SSS v2.0.14 (latest version for Windows OS). However, I am not able to replicate this problem.

So, would it be possible to share some screen shots with the steps you are following, so that I can understand what is getting wrong?

This sound like the SSS has no access to JTAG.

Can you also share the jumper configuration of the USB DK?

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:3 weeks 2 days ago
加入:2021-01-21 04:03
A command-line interface (CLI

Acommand-line interface(CLI) processes commands to a computer program in theformof ... However, someprogrammingand maintenance tasks may not have a graphical user interface and may still use a ...Command-line interpreters allow users toissuevarious commands in a very efficient (and often terse) way.