is there any example on how to implement a function (and a handler) to manage messages received from the serial interface (e.g. via teraterm).
If not, is there at least an app callback in the "user_app_callbacks" list which I can leverage to write my own handler upon receiving a message from the serial port?
No answer?
Please take a look at the sample project; \SDK_6.0.14.1114\DA145xx_SDK\\projects\target_apps\peripheral_examples\uart
It has examples of uart_receive. Let us know if that helps.
Thank you for the tip.
How should I configure my peripherals in order to test the UART using the 1-wire configuration on Pin 0_5?
Hi posciamelo,
Adding to TR_Dialog, please also check CFG_UART_ONE_WIRE_SUPPORT macro in the suggested example. This macro s used to enable the 1-wire UART mechanism. The uart_one_wire_enable() and uart_one_wire_tx_en() should be used. Both APIs call the GPIO_ConfigurePin() for the pin configuration, so you will just need to call them:
uart_one_wire_enable(UART1, GPIO_PORT_0, GPIO_PIN_5);
uart_one_wire_tx_en (UART1);
Are you using a custom board, or any of our DKs?
Thanks, PM_Dialog