I use a da14695 USB DevKit and for testing I built the demo bare_metal_blinky from the da1469x family website. Building and flashing works, the LED blinks. And I'm on a Linux system.
BUT: if I now try to debug it, whether with SmartSnippets or manually, with GDB-Server cli commands:
-if swd -device DA14695 -endian little -speed 8000 -port 2331 -swoport 2332 -telnetport 2333 -vd -ir -localhostonly 1 -singlerun -nogui
and then connect to the server, I seem to get an exception. On cli debugger it's like this:
arm-none-eabi-gdb bare_metal_blinky.elf
(gdb) target remote :2331
Remote debugging using :2331
0 x00000000 __isr_vector ()
(gdb) c
Program received signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap.
0xfeffffee in ?? ()
SmartSnippets takes me to hw_watchdog.c and the functionhw_watchdog_handle_int(unsigned long *exception_args)
I guess this is some kind of exception, since I had no breakpoints set, but what am I supposed to do here? What am I missing?
Hi ZephraimMcKladden,
Thanks for your question online. Let me check it and I’ll get back to you.
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Hi ZephraimMcKladden,
I ran it in my side using the DA146+9x Pro-Dk and SDK10.0.10. Just a note : to run it in SDK10.0.10, the #include "bsp_memory_layout.h" should be removed from the custom_confdig_XXXX.h file.
When I ran it in debug mode, the initial break point is in the hw_watchdog_freeze(). If you press the run button to start firmware execution, then it runs properly.
Thanks, PM_Dialog
I'm using the DA14695 USB-DevKit, not the Pro.
The include statement you mentioned I had to remove intially just because it wouldn't compile otherwise.
Now, when I run it in QSPI Debug Mode, where ist uses JLink-GDBServer, I never reach hw_watchdog_freeze, but it stops athw_watchdog_handle_int(),and it does so every time, no matter how often I press run/resume.
What does that function mean? Is it some kind of generic exception handler?
Hi ZephraimMcKladden,
I ran the bare_metal_blinky as provided by Dialog on the DA4695 USB Kit. I cannot replicate that behavior that you have described. Please try to use a clean SDK directory and run the example as provided without any modifications.
Thanks, PM_Dialog
thanks for your response.
What version of the Segger J-Link software did you use?
Hi, I am using version 6.40, Thanks, PM_Dialog