量uring power consumption with smart snippets

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Last seen:1 month 19 hours ago
加入:2014-03-17 14:25
量uring power consumption with smart snippets

We try to measure the power consumption of our application with smart snippets and during extended sleep the power seems to be around 0.062 mA with 10 multipication factor. This is also the measurement when we run the keyboard reference application and the template_fh with extended_sleep defined. We are aware that the tool cant accurately measure currents that low, but it seems that the power we are getting is over the currents that you define during extended sleep mode (real value 1.5uA and 0.010mA on Smart Snippets). We tried also to measure without the daughter board (as you suggest in AN-B-015) and the resulting current was about 0.061 mA.....We cant figure out the problem....is this normal ? Is there a jumper configuration we forgot? The debugger is removed also....Thanks in advance.

Last seen:7 hours 6 min ago
加入:2013-12-05 14:02
Hi, Which board are you using

Hi, Which board are you using - PRO or EXPERT ? There will be an offset on the board, the ADC is not capable to measure anywhere near the uA level - the ADC on board has an offsset in the 100's of LSB's and thats not taking into account also the offset of the pre-amp .

When you look at the power profiler, does the waveform indicate its going into extended sleep ? note that active mode is about 0.5mA . The only true way to check the power consumption in extended sleep is to use an external DMM.

BR JE_Dialog

Last seen:1 month 19 hours ago
加入:2014-03-17 14:25
We are using the expert kit..

We are using the expert kit....
1)when we download the keyboard reference with extended sleep defined, the lowest value the power profiler shows (with multiplication factor 10) is 0.061 mA. We undestand that we cant measure the power in extended sleep mode with smart snippets, but is this the value (0.061mA) that indicates that the device is in extended sleep? According to AN-B-015 page-12: "An indication of proper function however is possible: readings at the lowest parts of the curve in the plot should be virtually zero.In below PowerProfiler plot the extended-sleep current readout value is 0.010 mA,the real value is actually approximately 1.5 µA". We provide some images in order to see our measurments.

Power measurement without daugherboard
keyboard ref with extended sleep
keyboard ref advertizing

2) Our main goal is to measure the consumption when our device is connected, in the screeshot below you can see the measurement when the device is connected with multiplication factor 10.
If the measurement with no daughterboard is correct (0.061 mA) is it safe to assume that our actual average current = [avg current in power profiler(0.1886) - the offset we measured with no daughterboard (0.061)] / multiplication factor of 10 ?

Last seen:3 months 3 weeks ago
加入:2015-11-27 14:24
Could you please give me step

Could you please give me step by step guide to do the current and power measurement for the Pro board?

Last seen:1 week 5 days ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi liuluan002,

Hi liuluan002,

Please check your previous posthttp://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/current-consumption#comment-7499

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:3 months 3 weeks ago
加入:2015-11-27 14:24
thank you now i got it.

thank you now i got it.
Some question for the 14583 and the Pro board:
I have found during burning the program into the board, we need to put jumper SPI_SUP of J5 on, however it makes the current measurement to be 2.3mA all the time, until we remove the jumper from the board. Is there any suggestion or comments for this? for the basic board, we do not have this problem.

Last seen:7 hours 6 min ago
加入:2013-12-05 14:02
yes, it is : what you're

yes, it is : what you're measuring is the offset on the board and the amplifiers (what you measure w/o the duagthercard) and the noise the high gain TIA will pick up. From the plots, you can see the device is going into extended sleep between connection events as expected. Your assumption is correct - but the only way to measure on a target board is to use a meter capable of dynamic range down to the uA level and up to the mA level.

BR JE_Dialog