Hello Dialog Team,
I am trying to broadcast sensor data periodically to multiple other BLE devices. I have seen Advertising the Board info examples. But I haven't got any proper reference for "How to send data from one DA14531_MOD to another MOD or BLE application.?"
Am I missing any of your documentation? Please let me know as soon as possible.
Thank You
Hi ravikiran4,
Please check out theDA14531-DA14585-586 Reading I2C Accelerometer BLESW Example. That example is using BLE notifications in order to send data to a peer device.
You can also take a look at the CodeLess example and you will find detailed examples in the user guide.
Additionally, the SDK6.0.14 included an example demonstrating the BLE notifications - it is under projects\target_apps\ble_examples\ble_app_peripheral path. Please see app_adcval1_timer_cb_handler() callback function.
I would recommend also checking the following tutorials :
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Thanks for your response,
I have already gone through theDA14531-DA14585-586 Reading I2C Accelerometer BLESW Example. But I am not able to understand where I have to pass my data in order to broadcast that into other BLE app or Module.
Thank You
Hi ravikiran4,
Please check user_svc1_accel_Y_send_ntf () for example. It sends the SVC1_IDX_ACCEL_Y_DATA_VAL over BLE notifications to a peer device.
Thanks, PM_Dialog