我們依據 DA14683 development kit Pro電路重新設計 DA14683 電路板,在更新 firmware遇到問題.
我們使用 DA14683 development kit Pro 作為 JTAG工具,並對以下接點連線
DA14683 development kit Pro --> 我們的DA14683 電路板
JTAG interface
J3-SWCLK/ADC7/P2_4 - > SW_CLK pin of custom board.
J3-SWDIO/ADC4/P0_6 - > SWDIO pin of custom board.
UART interface
J4-ADC0/P1_2 - > UART_TX of custom board.
J3-P2_3 - > UART_RX of custom board.
Power in
J4 - VBAT+ - > VBAT of the custom board.
J4 - GND - > GND of the custom board.
K2 - RST - > to the RST pin of the custom board. (active high)
使用SmartSnippets Toolbox 版本 4.83
當我們按 detect device 選項,軟件會出現 it's unable to detect the DA14683.
當我們選擇 Jtag 及 DA14683-00 選項,並按開啟,訊息視窗會出現以下錯誤訊息
[INFO General @20-06-22 21:36:02] Could not measure total IR len. TDO is constant high.
[INFO General @20-06-22 21:36:02] Could not measure total IR len. TDO is constant high.
[INFO General @20-06-22 21:36:02] Could not measure total IR len. TDO is constant high.
[INFO General @20-06-22 21:36:02] Could not measure total IR len. TDO is constant high.
[INFO General @20-06-22 21:36:02] Could not measure total IR len. TDO is constant high.
[ERROR General @20-06-22 21:36:02] Could not read memory address 0x50003200 with function JLINKARM_ReadMemHW
[ERROR General @20-06-22 21:36:02] No known chip found while opening JLink connection. Terminating proccess...
我們也測試UART 輸出訊息,當我們按 detect device 選項,terminial 視窗會出現
請問 DA14683 需要重置或預先燒錄bootloader嗎?
或是有任何地方 我有遺漏的?請幫忙,感謝!
看起来是 jlink 接口还没有连接成功。