Can GPIO buttons realize shutdown and restart functions?
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Could you please explain what you mean with the “ GPIO button0s realize shutdown and restart feature “ ? Would it be possible to make clarify what you would like to accomplish?
Please take a look atExternal Interruption Tutorialtutorial. It demonstrates how to use the wake up controller in order to wake up via a GPIO. You should use the pm_set_sleep_mode() API in order to configure the sleep mode.
Hi xuguodong,
Could you please clarify your question? What do you mean with “GPIO button0s realize shutdown and restart feature”?
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Yes my question is that“GPIO button0s realize shutdown and restart feature".
Hi xuguodong,
Could you please explain what you mean with the “ GPIO button0s realize shutdown and restart feature “ ? Would it be possible to make clarify what you would like to accomplish?
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Hi Dialog teams,
power off the DA14683 by pressing the key.
Hi xuguodong,
Do you mean any of the available sleep modes?
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Does DA4683 have shutdown mode except sleep mode?
除了sleep modes,有专门的关机模式吗?
Hi xuguodong,
What do you mean with the “shut down” mode? Please refer to the datasheet to find more information on DA1468x product family.
此外,以下文件将帮助you to have a clear overview on the SDK architecture.
Thanks, PM_Dialog
此外,以下文件将帮助you to have a clear overview on the SDK architecture.
where is the following document ???
Hi There,
My apologies - forgot to attach the documents:
Thanks, PM_Dialog
I just want example code for go into sleep. I've read all the documents you provided.
Hi There,
Please take a look atExternal Interruption Tutorialtutorial. It demonstrates how to use the wake up controller in order to wake up via a GPIO. You should use the pm_set_sleep_mode() API in order to configure the sleep mode.
Thanks, PM_Dialog