I used 580 modle's swk and swd pins (P1_4,P1_5) configured as Uart,and I disable the debug before system_init() and periph_init().
I failed to connect to Debug Session When I plugged in the module. So I add the Delay() before disable the debug. However, The serial port has not been working.
What are the correct configuration steps?
Hi GGG_in,
Which is the development board that you are using? Can you please indicate this?
Does the device boot from SPI Flash or System-RAM? Did you modify any of SDK files? Where did you disable the debugger?
Thanks, PM_Dialog
I disable the debugger before Power up peripherals' power domain.
I use DA14580-01 modle. I did it successfully when I stop the watch dog and swap the CLK and DIO pins of the SWD PORT.
Thank you for your answer.
Hi GGQ_in,
Thanks for your indication and glad that you got it working. If you found the comment useful please mark it as “accepted”.
Thanks, PM_Dialog