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Last seen:2 months 3 weeks ago
Joined:2018-11-12 09:19


We want to buy this product.https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/dialog-semiconductor-gmbh/DA14695-00HQDEVKT-RANG/1695-DA14695-00HQDEVKT-RANG-ND/12178446

-But digikey don't send it to Turkey. How can we buy this product?

-If we buy 2 pieces DA14695-00HQDEVKT-U, can we use it like DA14695-00HQDEVKT-RANG module for ranging application with same application.

-Can we install the wireless ranging application on any module that also includes DA14695? i.e DA14695-00HQDB-P . Or do we need a special antenna?

Best regards

Last seen:1 day 21 hours ago
Joined:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi ltdev,

Hi ltdev,

Thanks for your question and for your interest in WiRa!

>>> But digikey don't send it to Turkey. How can we buy this product?

Let me check it and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

>>>If we buy 2 pieces DA14695-00HQDEVKT-U, can we use it like DA14695-00HQDEVKT-RANG module for ranging application with same application.

>>>Can we install the wireless ranging application on any module that also includes DA14695? i.e DA14695-00HQDB-P . Or do we need a special antenna?

Please read in detail the wholeSection 4.1 Hardwarefrom theUM-B-137user manual. The WiRa is compatible with both the DA14695 PRO DK and USB DK. In that section you will also find the required HW modification. All the HW modifications have already been applied in-house for all delivered DA14695 Wireless Ranging DKs.

Keep in mind that the more omni directional antenna you have, the better and more uniform will be the performance.

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:10个月1周前
Joined:2014-02-19 10:07

You say "Keep in mind that the more omni directional antenna you have, the better and more uniform will be the performance"

I can understand from the physics that when AoA/D is being used that will be the case.

Why should it be the case for WiRa?


Last seen:1 day 21 hours ago
Joined:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi mtailor,

Hi mtailor,

The WiRa is based on the Dialog Tone Exchange (DTE), so you will get better and much more uniform performance, if a more omni directional antenna is used. Please see section 5 in the user manual.

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:10个月1周前
Joined:2014-02-19 10:07
Thank you.

Thank you.
If by user manual you mean UM-B-137 then I have had a look and can you provide some part numbers that I can buy?

I ask because I asked an RF expert and showed him the photo of the kit you sell which shows the antenna in place and he said there are many types of fixing blades so there is a choice and I would rather buy something you recommend.

Thank you.

Last seen:1 day 21 hours ago
Joined:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi mtailor,

Hi mtailor,

Please take at theSmartBond Wireless Ranging SDK Product Brief.

Order information

DA14695 Bluetooth LE Development Kit (2pcs) pre-programmed boards with Wireless Ranging application

Order code: DA14695-00HQDEVKT-RANG

However, you can use either the Pro-DK or the USB Kit.

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:10个月1周前
Joined:2014-02-19 10:07


I am not asking for part number of the Kit.

As I already have 2 usb kits, all I want is to buy the antennas and so need the part number for that.

Last seen:1 day 21 hours ago
Joined:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi mtailor,

Hi mtailor,

Let me check it,,

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:1 day 21 hours ago
Joined:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi mtailor,

Hi mtailor,

The part number of the SMA antenna that is used for the DA14695 WiRa kit is ANT-24G-S21R-SMA. You could take the suggested SMA antenna as reference and choose an antenna with similar characteristics and according to the application requirements.

The radiation pattern of the one device should be into the radiation pattern of the other device. However, the antenna selection is application specific, so the radiation pattern and how to place it are factors that you should take care of them.

例如,如果天线的方向不是年代tatic and it is changing continually, then you should select an antenna with a radiation pattern as omni-directional as possible.

这取决于the application, but the radiation pattern is critical for the antenna selection. It is also recommended for the antenna to have a flat group delay across the BLE frequency band (linear phase response), with the group delay showing as small dependence as possible on angle.

PS: Except from the antenna selection, the XTAL32M trimming is also critical for a well operational WiRa application. XTAL32M trimming is described in the Social Distancing Tag user manual – please see section “ Crystal trimming”

Thanks, PM_Dialog