Battery charge in ProDK board

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Last seen:1 month 4 weeks ago
加入:2019-12-14 12:10
Battery charge in ProDK board

Hi Dialog,

I am using DA14683 ProDK board and SDK version is DA1468x_DA15xxx_SDK_1.0.14.1081

I want to test battery charge function in the ProDK board but it seems not work!

The following are my settings:

(1) Use pxp_reporter project in SDK and uncomment #define DEBUG_SOC in custom_config_qspi.h

(2) Connect Lithium battery(500mAh) on J10(pin1: VBAT- to battery negative terminal, pin 2 to battery positive terminal, pin 3 NTC is not connected)

(3) Switch SW2 on the daugtherboard to VBAT

(4) Place jumper on header J9, on position 1-2

(5) Connect USB to USB1(CHG) and USB2(DBG)

The debug console show message as below:

[ 3 sec] DLG_SWFG SOC= 0 VOL=3401
[ 4 sec] DLG_SWFG SOC= 0 VOL=3401
[ 5 sec] DLG_SWFG SOC= 0 VOL=4214
[ 6 sec] DLG_SWFG SOC= 0 VOL=3402
[ 7 sec] DLG_SWFG SOC= 0 VOL=3402
[ 8 sec] DLG_SWFG SOC= 0 VOL=4216
[ 9 sec] DLG_SWFG SOC= 0 VOL=3400
[ 10 sec] DLG_SWFG SOC= 0 VOL=3402
[ 11 sec] DLG_SWFG SOC= 0 VOL=4214
[ 12 sec] DLG_SWFG SOC= 0 VOL=3402

SOC is always zero and VOL seems not correct!

And for battery discharge, I have changed the jumper on head J9 to position 2-3 and remove USB cable from USB1(CHG)

message as below:

[ 2 sec] DLG_SWFG SOC= 0 VOL=2996
[ 3 sec] DLG_SWFG SOC= 0 VOL=2997
[ 4 sec] DLG_SWFG SOC= 0 VOL=2997
[ 5 sec] DLG_SWFG SOC= 0 VOL=2997
[ 6 sec] DLG_SWFG SOC= 0 VOL=2996
[ 7 sec] DLG_SWFG SOC= 0 VOL=2994
(8秒)DLG_SWFG SOC = 0 = 2999卷
[ 9 sec] DLG_SWFG SOC= 0 VOL=3001
[ 10 sec] DLG_SWFG SOC= 0 VOL=2999
[ 11 sec] DLG_SWFG SOC= 0 VOL=2999
[ 12 sec] DLG_SWFG SOC= 0 VOL=2999

The VOL is about 3000 even the battery is removed or not...

Are there something wrong in my settings?



John Mayall

Device Number:
Last seen:21 min 3 sec ago
加入:2018-02-08 11:03

Hi johnmayall,

Thanks for you question. Please take a look at section 10.1 Enabling the Charger in theUM-B-056: DA1468x Software Developer's Guidedocument. Can you please check that you have the same configuration in the custom_config_qsps_xxxx.h ?

#define dg_configUSE_USB 1

#define dg_configUSE_USB_CHARGER 1

#define dg_configALLOW_CHARGING_NOT_ENUM 1


You could also check out theUM-B-075: DA1468x State of Charge Functionalityuser manual.

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:1 month 4 weeks ago
加入:2019-12-14 12:10
Hi PM_Dialog,

Hi PM_Dialog,

Sorry for late reply.

I am using pxp_reporter project in SDK and just uncomment #define DEBUG_SOC in custom_config_qspi.h only.

All battery configurations are defined from SDK and it seems correct as you metioned.

I have checked the battery voltage by ad_battery_raw_to_mvolt() function(define dg_configGPADC_ADAPTER in config.h file).

The mvolt report of battery is match as the volt I measure vbat+/vbat- via osilloscope.

What is the different between VOLT from SoC and mvolt from ADC adapter?

Thanks a lot


John Mayall

Last seen:21 min 3 sec ago
加入:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi johnmayall,

Hi johnmayall,

Please follow the suggested document and section section 10.1. Then, you should be able to enable the SoC. The ad_battery_raw_to_mvolt converts raw value read from ADC to batter voltage in mV. The SoC is a mechanism to show you the state of the charge based on the battery characterization as described in the document.

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:1 month 4 weeks ago
加入:2019-12-14 12:10
Hi PM_Dialog,

Hi PM_Dialog,

The default configurations in pxp reporter example should enable the SoC. I already check the settings is correct as you metioned section 10.1 in the suggested document. I have go through the document about SoC but didn't found what's wrong. the SoC function seems still not work in my ProDK board. Please help me check that battery connection in my board:

(1) Connect Lithium battery on J10(battery positive to VBAT+, battery negative to VBAT-)

(2) Switch SW2 on the daugtherboard to VBAT

(3) Put jumper on header J9, position 1-2

(4) Plug usb to USB1 for battery charging and USB2 for debug

(5) Run pxp report sample from QSPI

Am I missing something ?

Thank you very much.



Last seen:21 min 3 sec ago
加入:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi JohnMayall,

Hi JohnMayall,

Apologies for my late response. Could you please share the custom_config_qspi.h file? Additionally, please share a photo with the HW configuration if it is possible.

Thanks, PM_Dialog