Hi, support!
I use DA14695 chip + SDK_10.0.8.105.
我为我的Flash芯片(W25Q64FWXGIG)写了正确的标题,然后成功构建了UartBoot固件。我使用SmartSnippets Toolbox进行了一些测试,所有似乎都很好。
But further I faced with problems when I tried to upload firmware to target processor (flash chip). Earlier, I used DA1468x processors, and I decide that problem is in missing cli_programmer.ini file. I copied it to sdk/binary catalogue, then tried again - firmware was successfully uploaded. I thought that problem is gone, but it still remain. Now I can`t upload firmware to flash without previous full erase of flash chip (using erase_qspi_jtag script from the studio). If I erased chip first and then tried to upload firmware - mostly, process ends successfully. Is there any specific settings in .ini file for case of DA14695? Why when I tried to use flash from the Toolbox, it uses correct uartboot.bin, but when from the Studio is not? My cli_programmer.ini file is in attach (just change extension of file to .ini). Please help me.
Stepanov Ivan
Thanks, PM_Dialog
If I understood correctly from what you mentioned, the problem exists in DA1469x and only when trying to program the QSPI flash (W25Q64FWXGIG) through the SmartSnippets Studio (SSS). Is that correct? What is the version of the SSS?
You mentioned that :
"Now I can`t upload firmware to flash without previous full erase of flash chip (using erase_qspi_jtag script from the studio). If I erased chip first and then tried to upload firmware - mostly, process ends successfully."
Thanks, PM_Dialog
1.“如果我从所提到的那里理解正确,问题存在于DA1469X中,只有在尝试通过SmartSnippets Studio(SSS)编写QSPI闪存(W25Q64FWXGIG)时。这是正确的吗?SSS的版本是什么?”
- 是的,您是对的,问题仅在da14695 + w25q64fwxgig + sss上存在。版本的SSS是2.0.12.1622(Win7);
2. "So, if the erase_qspi_jtag script has been executed, then you can execute the program_qspi_jtag script and the device boots correctly. Is my understanding correct?"
- Yes, it is;
- 这是来自控制台的一些日志:
..Programming image
cli_programmer 1.26
Copyright (c) 2015-2019 Dialog Semiconductor
从e:\ projects \ active_projects \ moby.da1469x \ sdk \ binaries \ cli_progromer.ini文件加载的。
Uploading boot loader/application executable...
Writing to address: 0x00002000 offset: 0x00000000 chunk size: 0x00002000
Verify writing to qspi address 0x2000 failed. Retrying ...
Writing to address: 0x00002000 offset: 0x00000000 chunk size: 0x00002000
Verify writing to qspi address 0x2000 failed. Retrying ...
Writing to address: 0x00002000 offset: 0x00000000 chunk size: 0x00002000
Verify writing to qspi address 0x2000 failed. Retrying ...
Writing to address: 0x00002000 offset: 0x00000000 chunk size: 0x00002000
Verify writing to qspi address 0x2000 failed. Retrying ...
Writing to address: 0x00002000 offset: 0x00000000 chunk size: 0x00002000
Verify writing to qspi address 0x2000 failed. Retrying ...
Writing to address: 0x00002000 offset: 0x00000000 chunk size: 0x00002000
Verify writing to qspi address 0x2000 failed. Retrying ...
Writing to address: 0x00002000 offset: 0x00000000 chunk size: 0x00002000
Verify writing to qspi address 0x2000 failed. Retrying ...
Writing to address: 0x00002000 offset: 0x00000000 chunk size: 0x00002000
Verify writing to qspi address 0x2000 failed. Retrying ...
Writing to address: 0x00002000 offset: 0x00000000 chunk size: 0x00002000
Verify writing to qspi address 0x2000 failed. Retrying ...
Writing to address: 0x00002000 offset: 0x00000000 chunk size: 0x00002000
Verify writing to qspi address 0x2000 failed. Retrying ...
Writing to address: 0x00002000 offset: 0x00000000 chunk size: 0x00002000
Verify writing to qspi address 0x2000 failed. Retrying ...
Write to qspi failed. Abort.
write to QSPI failed: unknown error (-300)
。call: "E:\Projects\Active_Projects\Moby.DA1469x\SDK\binaries\cli_programmer.exe" --cfg C:\Users\Ivan\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpu48vidhc --check-booter-load --no-kill gdbserver write_qspi 8192 C:\Users\Ivan\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpg67lr5ul
.. 完成的
initial_baudrate = 57600
timeout = 5000
bootloader_fname = E:\Projects\Active_Projects\Moby.DA1469x\SDK\binaries\uartboot.bin
baudrate =
tx_port =
tx_pin =.
rx_port =.
rx_pin =.
[gdb server]
端口= 2331.
host_name = localhost
gdb_server_path = "C:\Program Files (x86)\SEGGER\JLink_V644f\JLinkGDBServerCL.exe" -if SWD -device Cortex-M0 -singlerun -silent -speed auto -select -port 2331 -swoport 2332 -telnetport 2333 -log jlink.log
no_kill_mode = 0
chip_rev =
target_reset_cmd =
The program_qspi_jtag script will do the following: First, it will “Erase sector”, then it will “Program sector”, and finally will do the whole flash verification.
Since you can erase (erase_qspi_jtag) the QSPI Flash, and then you can program it (program_qspi_jtag) properly, we suspect that the most probable reason might be due to erase sector step. When executing the erase_qspi_jtag script, the erase chip will take place and it will erase the whole flash, so after that it expected that you can program it.
To do so, could you please check the “erase sector” command in your flash driver? Is it according to the datasheet?
Probably it might be like。erase_opcode = CMD_SECTOR_ERASEin the QSPI flash configuration structure.
Additionally, you can do the following as a test:
Thanks, PM_Dialog
One important moment, as basis I used existing winbond description file from sdk (w25q32fw), and just do some corrections (at least size). Other opcodes are the same.
Regards, Ivan.
Does the same problem exist when using the CLI programmer? Did you try to perform chip erase, sector erase and program it through the CLI?
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Sorry, I missed that. I`ll do this tests as soon as possible.
没问题 - 请通过结果回复我。等待反馈!
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Thanks, PM_Dialog