Suggestion for connecting DA14580 to Laptop BLE

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Last seen:1 year 1 month ago
加入:2019-06-06 13:15
Suggestion for connecting DA14580 to Laptop BLE

We have designed a board with DA14580 and want to stream some sensor data to the Win10 laptop. Dialog Serial port Service (DSPS) seems good enough for our use-case. I have to use a WPF application on the laptop to receive this data. Do you have any example WPF windows application to use the Laptop BLE to receive data the DA14580 over DSPS. As a secondary option, I am also okay, if you could suggest a BLE dongle with example DSPS project for WPF. Thanks.

Last seen:6 hours 48 min ago
加入:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi harsh2904,

Hi harsh2904,

Unfortunately, there isn’t any WPF windows example. A possible solution would be to use two of your custom boars. The first one will be connected to your PC via UART and the other will be send the sensors’ data. One of them should run the sps_host application (Central) and the other the sps_device application (Peripheral). Data can be sent from the Peripheral to Central and vice versa.

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:1 year 1 month ago
加入:2019-06-06 13:15
Thanks for quick reply. I

Thanks for quick reply. I understand that there is no WPF example available from Dialog. I can even do it with a C example, if available. Using two boards is not an option due to other limitations.

Also I bought a DA1458x Development Kit – Pro from Digikey. Content-list mention about a USB donlge (even user guide UM-B-049 shows a donlge as a part of the kit). But I didn't receive any such dongle with the kit. Can I buy it separately and will it be possible to use a C application on laptop to connect to my board through the dongle using DSPS.

Is it possible to use DA14695 USB Kit as a USB dongle to connect to my board and use DSPS?

Last seen:6 hours 48 min ago
加入:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi harsh2904,

Hi harsh2904,

Can you please indicate the part number? Is it this one : DA14580DEVKT-P ? Let me ask about the DSPS for DA1469x product family and I will let you know as soon as possible.

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:1 year 1 month ago
加入:2019-06-06 13:15


We have DA14580 on our target board. Is there any dongle available with Dialog part supporting DSPS on host side? Thanks.

Last seen:1 month 1 week ago
加入:2013-12-06 15:10


TheDA14531 USB dongle有能力running DSPS host side.


Last seen:1 month 1 week ago
加入:2013-12-06 15:10


I don't know if this will help you, but I have a couple of suggestions that you might want to consider.

1. Web Bluetooth. This is a JavaScript implementation that supports native Bluetooth device on your laptop. The interface is fully supported by the Google Chrome browser on Win10 and MAC OS + Android, and the most recent Microsoft Edge browser on Win10. The API is very easy to use. You can see an example implmentationhere(right-click to see the JavaScript Source). You can find more documentaiton on Web Bluetooth and the API used in the examplehere.

2. The Web Bluetooth link above works with the DialogCodeLessimplementation. If your need for data transmissions isn't large or of streaming nature, you may want to look at CodeLess as a way to move discrete data across a Bluetooth connection.
