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Last seen:3 months 3 days ago
Joined:2018-09-18 17:44
callback fuction

Hi, i have question about the main loop. I can't find the function which return callback functions such as: app_on_init , app_on_system_powered... i'm reading example ble_app_peripheral in SDK 5.0.4

Last seen:21 hours 20 min ago
Joined:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi Thanhtu131,

Hi Thanhtu131,

All the callback function are located into user_callback_config.h header file. The in the .app_on_init is registered the user_app_init() callback function. The source code can be found in user_peripheral.c file. In the .app_on_system_powered in the ble_app_peripheral example of the SDK, none callback is registered that’s why is NULL. However, you can register your own callback function.

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:3 months 3 days ago
Joined:2018-09-18 17:44
thanks for your answer. But i

thanks for your answer. But i can't find the reference of function rwip_schedule() in the project. Is it in the BLE stack?

And in the function schedule_while_ble_on(), in the example, i see that user_app_main_loop_callbacks.app_on_ble_powered = Null in the beginning. So the main loop will go out the do-while loop and try to sleep. what can make the function poiter user_app_main_loop_callbacks.app_on_ble_powered != Null so the system will stay active?

Last seen:21 hours 20 min ago
Joined:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi Thanhtu131,

Hi Thanhtu131,

The source code of rwip_schedule () is in the ROM so that you are not able to find it. In the active part of the main loop, the kernel will be granted control with a call to rwip_schedule() and it will keep the control for as long as messages and events need to be handled. The call to rwip_schedule()happens in schedule_while_ble_on() since the kernel requires the BLE hardware to be active to process messages. Within schedule_while_ble_on() the application is also granted control through the user_app_main_loop_callbacks.app_on_ble_powered function pointer. The application can force the main loop to stay within the schedule_while_ble_on() given that the BLE remains active according to the return value of app_on_ble_powered. If both application and kernel allow scheduler_while_ble_on() to return, the control will be granted again to the application via the app_asynch_proc() function and the user_app_main_loop_callbacks.app_on_system_powered function pointer. Please refer to section 7.1 Main Loop and Sleep Modes inUM-B-051 : DA14580 Software Platform Reference (SDK5)document.

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:3 months 3 days ago
Joined:2018-09-18 17:44
thanks, i have been already

thanks, i have been already reading the document, and i'm trying to understand it clearly. i want to ask about a function arch_printf_process(). is it in the Rom?

Last seen:21 hours 20 min ago
Joined:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi Thanhtu131,

Hi Thanhtu131,

The source code of arch_printf_process() API can be found in arch_console.c which is located under sdk\platform\core_modules\arch_console SDK path.

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:3 months 3 days ago
Joined:2018-09-18 17:44

谢谢你的解释。我有一个nother question: What is the operation of the function SetWord16() and SetBits16()? I can't find their reference and defination in the SDK.

Last seen:21 hours 20 min ago
Joined:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi Thanhtu131, It's to set a

Hi Thanhtu131, It's to set a word and abit into as 16 bit register. Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:3 months 3 days ago
Joined:2018-09-18 17:44
Thanks alot

Thanks alot