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Last seen:6 years 1 month ago
加入:2015-01-29 19:44
SPS stops advertising

I am using the PAN1740-USB evaluation system and trying to get the latest SPS code to work. I have been able to successfully build and debug my system after configuring the right SWD flash tools. When running the latest code I had to comment out all the forced assembly instruction breakpoints. Finally I was able to get the device to advertise, however this is only once per debug session. If I start a new debug session and am scanning for BLE devices I see the DA1458x appear, however it only does this once. Even a reset cannot get the device to re-advertise. I followed through the maze of code and the advertising function [ app_adv_func? ] does appear to only get called once per debug session. I am curious what in this code could be stopping the advertising events?

Last seen:1 month 1 week ago
加入:2013-12-05 14:02
Hello Christopher, Panasonic

Hello Christopher, Panasonic are looking into the DSPS on their PAN1740. I'll forward them this thread and let them respond - it is our intention to fully support the DSPS working on PAN1740. BR JE_Dialog

BR JE_Dialog

Last seen:6 years 1 month ago
加入:2015-01-29 19:44
I think I figured out the

I think I figured out the problem, it looks like there area few problems with bringing up the PAN1740 with Keil and the SPS example code ( I assume any code using the standard template too).

1.) Load function on Keil does not work with this built in Segger device, I havnt been able to figure out what algorithm it needs to work (so forced to use debug function)
2.) Debug function doesn't work without modification
a. Comment out all the forced assembly breakpoints and the loops associated
b. Comment out the infinite loop that prevents debugging "while ((GetWord16(SYS_STAT_REG) & DBG_IS_UP) == DBG_IS_UP) {}; "
c. Comment out the line below the closes the debugger "SetBits16(SYS_CTRL_REG, DEBUGGER_ENABLE, 0);"
d. From other comments in the forum, supposedly the debugger/jlink and sleep mode do not work together. Thus, you need to comment out the EXT sleep mode in da14580_config.h
/*Sleep modes*/
//#define CFG_EXT_SLEEP

Hopefully this helps a few others

Last seen:1 month 1 week ago
加入:2013-12-05 14:02
Thanks for letting us know

Thanks for letting us know Christopher. Ingo @ Panasonic is currently checking out the DSPS support on the USB dongle - we had a problem also wth our BASIC kit and have fixed that (jumper configuration is wrong - the document will be updated later Friday UK time). On our EXPERT kit it is working like a dream , including extended sleep support (as it has the HW flow control supported which BASIC and USB dongle of PAN1740 doesn't ) and now we've identified the issue on the BASIC kit, we just have to check out the PAN1740 dongle... Stay tuned . BR JE_Dialog

Last seen:5 years 1 week ago
加入:2015-01-21 05:57
Hi JE_Dialog ,

Hi JE_Dialog ,

I have already rosolved advertising issues but when i try to enable security procedures by define CFG_APP_SEC . But after i reloaded , there is nothing happen! I mean my android device still connect to DA14580 basic kit nomarlly. I do not know how to implement securiry procedures. Could you help me!


Last seen:2 years 10 months ago
加入:2014-08-25 09:59
Hi Chungtran,

Hi Chungtran,

I guess you are asking OOK feature. The OOK feature will be included in next version SDK.


Last seen:5 years 1 week ago
加入:2015-01-21 05:57
Dear PY_Dialog,

Dear PY_Dialog,

Oh really? If so , thanks for your help!

best regards!

Last seen:3 months 3 weeks ago
Guru Panasonic
加入:2014-01-16 11:19
We have updated the

We have updated the application note to describe the changes needed to run the DSPS on the PAN1740 dongle:

Last seen:5 years 3 months ago
加入:2014-11-20 08:45

Even I am facing the same issue.
I have a customized board using DA14580-01,
我用dsp概要文件,当用户发送哒ta to DA14580 using DSPS, I need to perform certain set of actions like writing to one of my slave on SPI interface(all this process takes around 50sec and this taks cant be interrupted in between), this whole task is working properly for around 7-8 data transfers to DA14580 using DSPS Android app, but later i observed that my BLE device is getting disconnected. And I have to reset the device to make my DA14580 start working again.

Kindly let me know if there is any possible solution available.

Last seen:1 month 1 week ago
加入:2013-12-05 14:02

你好Asmaitha,请参考to the reply on this issue as below : its not possible to service a task that takes about 50 seconds and maintain a connection. BR JE_Dialog
