da14585 not going into deep sleep

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Last seen:1 year 8 months ago
Joined:2019-06-11 14:50
da14585 not going into deep sleep


I am using a custom board with DA14585 on it to drive an E-Ink display. For the start I am using the ble-all-in-one project just for testing. It is working fine. The problem is with power consumption. With this example either during advertisement or after 30 second timeout and extended sleep mode, it is constantly using ~570 micro amps. I also tried to add the following two lines to the begining of user_app_init function to test the power consumption, to my surprise it increased:


After the addition of the above lines power consumption increased to ~820 micro amps. These results are while running in debug mode using Keil.

I also tried to write the image in the flash and test it but the results are the same. In OTP there is a secondary bootloader which loads image from the Flash.


Do I have to manually disable all of the GPIOs and Clocks?

Thanks in advance.

Last seen:14 hours 21 min ago
Joined:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi givi,

Hi givi,

Can you please indicate how you are measuring sleep currents? Did you follow theTutorial 4: Sleep modes current measurementtutorial from our support website? The ble_all_in_one example, the device goes into extended sleep mode between adverting intervals. Upon the timer expiration, the system stops advertising and it will enter the permanent sleep mode. Also, this example uses the SPI Flash in order to store the bonding data, so if you don’t power it down, the power consumption will be increased. The spi_flash_power_down function sends the Power-Down instruction, so you can power off the SPI flash when stop advertising. OTP does not contain a secondary bootloader.

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:1 year 8 months ago
Joined:2019-06-11 14:50


we are measuring current using a device called "Current Ranger" and yes we have followed the Tutorial 4. We also tried the spi_flash_power_down function before calling arch_set_deep_sleep but it did not make any difference. Can you please tell us what should be the status of DA14585 in terms of sleep mode if the firmware is running ble_app_all_in_one and the first three lines of the function user_app_init are as follows:


CFG_DEVELOPMENT_DEBUG is commented out. The image is flashed using SmartSnippets Toolbox in SPI-Flash at 0x4000, product header is at 0x38000.


Last seen:14 hours 21 min ago
Joined:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi givi,

Hi givi,

Since you are booting from flash, the consumption will be slightly increased. Can you please repeat the measurements and download your firmware into System-Ram? Which board are you using? Do you have a custom board, or you are using any of our DKs? If you are using the Pro-DK, please remove the SPI flash jumpers.

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:1 year 8 months ago
Joined:2019-06-11 14:50
We are using a custom board

我们正在使用自定义板,附加到DA14585的512 KB的SPI-Flash。我们还从电路板设计器中进行了测试图像,我们在睡眠模式下测量〜3.4微放大器。

With "download your firmware into System-RAM", you mean to run directly from Keil using J-Link. We tried this and the consumption is ~790 micro-amps.

Last seen:14 hours 21 min ago
Joined:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi givi,

Hi givi,

If you run your firmware through Keil in debug mode, the power consumption will be increased. Since you have attached the SPI flash, probably you are not measuring only the DA14585 consumption. Do you have jumper configuration in your board to de-attach the SPI Flash and all the other peripheral components?

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:1 year 2 weeks ago
Joined:2019-07-31 13:57
嗨,givi。i also want use


Last seen:14 hours 21 min ago
Joined:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi Lyadnov,

Hi Lyadnov,

Sorry for jumping in but if you are starting a new design, we would recommend to start with the DA14585 – the SDK is much improved, we have a lot of software examples and more detailed documentation that it will be very helpful to getting started. In addition, there is also software roadmap support on the DA14585 to our next generation device that is announced 5th November. Please check out DA14585/6 support port and take a look at our latest SDK6:


Regarding current consumption measurements please refer toTutorial 4: Sleep modes current measurementdocument.

Thanks, PM_Dialog