Add serial number to manufacture specific data

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Last seen:2 months 5 days ago
Joined:2019-07-11 17:03
Add serial number to manufacture specific data

I would like to assign a unique serial number to manufacture specific data for each production unit we produce. How would I go about this.


Last seen:3 days 9 hours ago
Joined:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi ant777222,

Hi ant777222,

The advertising string should have a specific format. The manufacturer specific data is a flag that developer could include his own data and populate them while the device is advertising. In order to add advertising data into the advertising string, the format should be like . The ble_app_barebone example of the SDK stores the manufacturer specific data into the advertising string. Please check the mnf_data_update() function. Let me give you an example for how to use the ADV_TYPE_MANUFACTURER_SPECIFIC_DATA. Suppose that you would like to append the BD address into the advertising data. For example let’s say that your MAC address is: x00 x01 x02 x03 x04 x05 So your advertising data will be like below:

#define BLE_MAC_ADDR "\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05"

#define BLE_MAC_ADDR_LEN "\x07"




Regarding the unique serial number, could you please provide me more inputs about this?

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:2 months 5 days ago
Joined:2019-07-11 17:03
There will be cases where

There will be cases where multiple units will be installed near eachother. We would like a way to distinguish which unit we are connecting to by including a serial number into the manufacturer specific data.

Last seen:3 days 9 hours ago
Joined:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi ant777222,

Hi ant777222,

Can you please indicate if you are able to add a SN to the manufacturer specific data?

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:2 months 5 days ago
Joined:2019-07-11 17:03
I am able to add the serial

I am able to add the serial number, I think we will go a different route to distinguish however.

Thanks, Anthony

Last seen:3 days 9 hours ago
Joined:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi ant777222,

Hi ant777222,

如果你找到了答案有用,请标记为ccepted. How many units should be programmed with a unique SN? Why don’t you change the BD address?

Thanks, PM_Dialog