Hi ,
Im still new with programming firmware with keil and da14580DEVKT-B sdk board.
When i compile and debug previously , i have no problems running the sample code.
下面是runn的输出ing debug in Keil.
Running with Code Size Limit: 32K
Set JLink Project File to "C:\a\DA1458x\5.0.4\projects\target_apps\ble_examples\ble_app_peripheral\Keil_5\JLinkSettings.ini"* JLink Info: Device "CORTEX-M0" selected.
JLink info:
DLL: V6.46d, compiled Jun 7 2019 17:33:40
Firmware: J-Link OB-SAM3U128 V1 compiled Jan 7 2019 14:05:40
S/N : 480063501
* JLink Info: Found SW-DP with ID 0x0BB11477
* JLink Info: Scanning AP map to find all available APs
* JLink Info: AP[1]: Stopped AP scan as end of AP map has been reached
* JLink Info: AP[0]: AHB-AP (IDR: 0x04770021)
* jlink信息:通过ap map迭代以查找ahb-ap使用
* JLink Info: AP[0]: Core found
* JLink Info: AP[0]: AHB-AP ROM base: 0xE00FF000
* JLink Info: CPUID register: 0x410CC200. Implementer code: 0x41 (ARM)
* jlink信息:找到cortex-m0 r0p0,小endian。
* jlink信息:fpUnit:4代码(BP)插槽和0个字幕插槽
* JLink Info: CoreSight components:
* JLink Info: ROMTbl[0] @ E00FF000
* JLink Info: ROMTbl[0][0]: E000E000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 000BB008 SCS
* JLink Info: ROMTbl[0][1]: E0001000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 000BB00A DWT
* JLINK INFO:ROMTBL [0] [2]:E0002000,CID:B105E00D,PID:000BB00B FPB
ROMTableAddr = 0xE00FF000
* JLink Info: Reset: Halt core after reset via DEMCR.VC_CORERESET.
* jlink信息:重置:通过aircr.sysresetreq重置设备。
vtarget = 3.300V.
State of Pins: TCK: 0, TDI: 1, TDO: 1, TMS: 1, TRES: 1, TRST: 1
Hardware-Breakpoints: 4
Software-Breakpoints: 8192
Watchpoints: 2
JTAG速度:2000 kHz
Load "C:\\a\\DA1458x\\5.0.4\\projects\\target_apps\\ble_examples\\ble_app_peripheral\\Keil_5\\out_580\\ble_app_peripheral_580.axf"
* JLink Info: Reset: Halt core after reset via DEMCR.VC_CORERESET.
* jlink信息:重置:通过aircr.sysresetreq重置设备。
包括“c:\\ a \\ da1458x \\ 5.0.4 \\ projects \\ target_apps \\ ble_examples \\ ble_app_peripheral \\ keil_5 \\ .. \\ .. \ .. \\ .. \\ ..\\ sdk \\ common_project_files \\ misc \\ sysram_case23.ini“
/ **
* DA1458x object loading script through debugger interface (e.g. JLink, etc).
*此脚本的目标是将Keils的对象文件加载到DA1458X RAM
* assuring that the DA1458x has been previously cleaned up.
* /
//写入da1458x sys_ctrl_reg - >生成sw重置,启用调试器
_WWORD(0x50000012, 0x80a4)
// Previous command (SW reset) unhalts the processor
// Write to Cortex-M0 DHCSR Core Debug Register -> Halt Cortex-M0
_WDWORD(0xe000edf0, 0xa05f0003)
*** error 125, line 14: AGDI: memory write failed (0xE000EDF0)
// Required sleep time (in msec) before debugger reset is executed
// Debugger reset (check Keil debugger settings)
// Preselected reset type (found in Options-> Debug-> Settings) is Normal (0):
// - 正常:通过sysresetreq和Vectreeset位重置核心和外围设备
* JLink Info: Reset: Halt core after reset via DEMCR.VC_CORERESET.
* jlink信息:重置:通过aircr.sysresetreq重置设备。
* JLink Info: Reset: Halt core after reset via DEMCR.VC_CORERESET.
* jlink信息:重置:通过aircr.sysresetreq重置设备。
sp = _rdword(0x20000000)
// Load program counter
$ = _rdword(0x20000004)
FUNC void disp_memlog(void)
int idx;
unsigned int min_delta;
exec("log > Memlog.log");
printf("\n\n*** Memory Logging Results ***\n\n");
printf(“>>> env heap <<< \ n”);
printf(“此堆中的使用大小:%4d(当前) - %4d(最大)\ n”,mem_log [0] .use_sz,mem_log [0] .max_used_sz);
printf("Used size in other HEAPs: %4d (current) - %4d (maximum)\n\n", mem_log[0].used_other_sz, mem_log[0].max_used_other_sz);
printf(“>>> db heap <<< \ n”);
printf(“此堆中的使用大小:%4d(当前) - %4d(最大)\ n”,mem_log [1] .used_sz,mem_log [1] .max_used_sz);
printf(“其他堆的使用大小:%4d(current) - %4d(最大)\ n \ n”,mem_log [1] .used_other_sz,mem_log [1] .max_used_other_sz);
printf(">>> MSG HEAP <<<\n");
printf(“此堆中的使用大小:%4d(当前) - %4d(最大)\ n”,mem_log [2] .used_sz,mem_log [2] .max_used_sz);
printf(“其他堆中的使用大小:%4d(当前) - %4d(最大)\ n \ n”,mem_log [2] .used_other_sz,mem_log [2] .max_used_other_sz);
printf(">>> Non-Ret HEAP <<<\n");
printf("Used size in this HEAP : %4d (current) - %4d (maximum)\n", mem_log[3].used_sz, mem_log[3].max_used_sz);
printf(“其他堆中的使用大小:%4d(current) - %4d(最大)\ n \ n”,mem_log [3] .used_other_sz,mem_log [3] .max_used_other_sz);
exec("log off");
} //disp_memlog() ends
附加信息:即时注释“da1458x \\ 5.0.4 \\ projects \\ target_apps \\ ble_examples \\ ble_app_perify”示例代码。
Hi ridzuwary,
I think that this issue is not related with the JLink update. Probably, you have the debugger disabled. Have you done any modification in the ble_app_peripheral example of the SDK? have you burnt the SPI flash or you just trying to download firmware into the System-RAM? Can you replicate this issue with another example of the SDK?
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Im trying other ble example and the same error 125 is there.
Im trying other ble example and the same error 125 is there.
Im using this documentation :
DA14580Bluetooth®智能开发套件 - Basic UM-B-025
attached is the from keil , could this be a problem ?
Hi ridzuwary,
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Im still folowing as per your shared picture.
The only diffences is that that DLL vesion for it is v6.46d while you sample is v6.30c .
Running with Code Size Limit: 32K
将JLink项目文件设置为“C:\ a \ da1a58x \ 5.0.4 \ projects \ target_apps \ ble_examples \ ble_app_barebone \ keil_5 \ jlinksettings.ini”* jlink信息:设备“cortex-m0”所选。
JLink info:
DLL: V6.46d, compiled Jun 7 2019 17:33:40
Firmware: J-Link OB-SAM3U128 V1 compiled Jan 7 2019 14:05:40
S/N : 480063501
* JLink Info: Found SW-DP with ID 0x0BB11477
* JLink Info: Scanning AP map to find all available APs
* JLink Info: AP[1]: Stopped AP scan as end of AP map has been reached
* JLink Info: AP[0]: AHB-AP (IDR: 0x04770021)
* jlink信息:通过ap map迭代以查找ahb-ap使用
* JLink Info: AP[0]: Core found
* JLink Info: AP[0]: AHB-AP ROM base: 0xE00FF000
* JLink Info: CPUID register: 0x410CC200. Implementer code: 0x41 (ARM)
* jlink信息:找到cortex-m0 r0p0,小endian。
* jlink信息:fpUnit:4代码(BP)插槽和0个字幕插槽
* JLink Info: CoreSight components:
* JLink Info: ROMTbl[0] @ E00FF000
* JLink Info: ROMTbl[0][0]: E000E000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 000BB008 SCS
* JLink Info: ROMTbl[0][1]: E0001000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 000BB00A DWT
* JLINK INFO:ROMTBL [0] [2]:E0002000,CID:B105E00D,PID:000BB00B FPB
ROMTableAddr = 0xE00FF000
* JLink Info: Reset: Halt core after reset via DEMCR.VC_CORERESET.
* jlink信息:重置:通过aircr.sysresetreq重置设备。
vtarget = 3.300V.
State of Pins: TCK: 0, TDI: 1, TDO: 1, TMS: 1, TRES: 1, TRST: 1
Hardware-Breakpoints: 4
Software-Breakpoints: 8192
Watchpoints: 2
JTAG速度:2667 kHz
包括“c:\\ a \\ da1458x \\ 5.0.4 \\ projects \\ target_apps \\ ble_examples \\ ble_app_barebone \\ keil_5 \\ .. \\ .. \\ .. \\ .. \\ ..\\ sdk \\ common_project_files \\ misc \\ sysram_case23.ini“
/ **
* DA1458x object loading script through debugger interface (e.g. JLink, etc).
*此脚本的目标是将Keils的对象文件加载到DA1458X RAM
* assuring that the DA1458x has been previously cleaned up.
* /
//写入da1458x sys_ctrl_reg - >生成sw重置,启用调试器
_WWORD(0x50000012, 0x80a4)
// Previous command (SW reset) unhalts the processor
// Write to Cortex-M0 DHCSR Core Debug Register -> Halt Cortex-M0
_WDWORD(0xe000edf0, 0xa05f0003)
*** error 125, line 14: AGDI: memory write failed (0xE000EDF0)
// Required sleep time (in msec) before debugger reset is executed
// Debugger reset (check Keil debugger settings)
// Preselected reset type (found in Options-> Debug-> Settings) is Normal (0):
// - 正常:通过sysresetreq和Vectreeset位重置核心和外围设备
* JLink Info: Reset: Halt core after reset via DEMCR.VC_CORERESET.
* jlink信息:重置:通过aircr.sysresetreq重置设备。
* JLink Info: Reset: Halt core after reset via DEMCR.VC_CORERESET.
* jlink信息:重置:通过aircr.sysresetreq重置设备。
sp = _rdword(0x20000000)
// Load program counter
$ = _rdword(0x20000004)
FUNC void disp_memlog(void)
int idx;
unsigned int min_delta;
exec("log > Memlog.log");
printf("\n\n*** Memory Logging Results ***\n\n");
printf(“>>> env heap <<< \ n”);
printf(“此堆中的使用大小:%4d(当前) - %4d(最大)\ n”,mem_log [0] .use_sz,mem_log [0] .max_used_sz);
printf("Used size in other HEAPs: %4d (current) - %4d (maximum)\n\n", mem_log[0].used_other_sz, mem_log[0].max_used_other_sz);
printf(“>>> db heap <<< \ n”);
printf(“此堆中的使用大小:%4d(当前) - %4d(最大)\ n”,mem_log [1] .used_sz,mem_log [1] .max_used_sz);
printf(“其他堆的使用大小:%4d(current) - %4d(最大)\ n \ n”,mem_log [1] .used_other_sz,mem_log [1] .max_used_other_sz);
printf(">>> MSG HEAP <<<\n");
printf(“此堆中的使用大小:%4d(当前) - %4d(最大)\ n”,mem_log [2] .used_sz,mem_log [2] .max_used_sz);
printf(“其他堆中的使用大小:%4d(当前) - %4d(最大)\ n \ n”,mem_log [2] .used_other_sz,mem_log [2] .max_used_other_sz);
printf(">>> Non-Ret HEAP <<<\n");
printf("Used size in this HEAP : %4d (current) - %4d (maximum)\n", mem_log[3].used_sz, mem_log[3].max_used_sz);
printf(“其他堆中的使用大小:%4d(current) - %4d(最大)\ n \ n”,mem_log [3] .used_other_sz,mem_log [3] .max_used_other_sz);
exec("log off");
} //disp_memlog() ends
Hi ridzuwary,
Thanks, PM_Dialog
1. How do i enabled sleep/unsleep mode /disable the sleeping feature ?
4. Let me just recap in order to debug without any errors i should :
a. Remove all the jumpers except for JTAG ( this support to follow UART jumpers setting) .
b. Remove the Battery
c. Select the project folder
d. build
5. can you explain why this error happening ?
//写入da1458x sys_ctrl_reg - >生成sw重置,启用调试器
_WWORD(0x50000012, 0x80a4)
// Previous command (SW reset) unhalts the processor
Hi ridzuwary,
Thanks, PM_Dialog
unfortunately, i cant detect the devices.
im using 3 different ble / beacon scanner just to be sure.
Please look at the command part of the screenshot before. it is expected to get that output ?
Hi ridzuwary,
Also please try to disable all the break points you have set inside your code.
Thanks, PM_Dialog
在初始安装后我有类似的行为,并尝试鞍骨示例。我通过做一个干净的构建“项目 - >清洁目标”,然后修理它,后跟“项目 - >构建目标”。然后启动调试会话并运行程序时,它开始发布。......克劳斯