Reference design or schematics for DA6011 with Intel ATOM E3xxx processors

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Last seen:1 year 11 months ago
加入:2019-05-15 06:44
Reference design or schematics for DA6011 with Intel ATOM E3xxx processors

Hi All,

We are evaluating DA6011 with Intel ATOM E3xxx processors alone for our development and we like to know exactly each matching power rail of DA6011 to each power rails of Intel E3xxx processor. So can anyone please help us on this by providing any reference design or schematics.


Last seen:1 month 6 days ago
加入:2017-09-18 11:54
Hello Sriram,

Hello Sriram,

We don’t currently have a reference design for the DA6011 and the ATOM E3 processors, we only have reference designs for the E6. However, the DA6021 was developed for Bay Trail notebook platforms, and the E3 processor family is used in the bay trail platforms. This could be a possibility for you.

Kind regards,
Elliott Dexter

Last seen:1 year 11 months ago
加入:2019-05-15 06:44
Hi Elliott,

Hi Elliott,

We have gone through the DS of DA6021, the content claims it supports Intel Z3000 processor series. Can we use DA6021 for E38xx series? if so can you please share us the reference design.



Last seen:1 month 6 days ago
加入:2017-09-18 11:54
Hi Sriram,

Hi Sriram,

I will look into thos for you. I dont think at this moment that we have any supporting informtion for the E38xx.

Kind regards,
Elliott Dexter