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Last seen:1 year 5 months ago
加入:2019-05-02 13:00
6.8V programming voltage on VPP

Hello All,

I am looking to interface PAC1740 to MSP430 conroller. I am planning to connect the BLE in UART. I would like to flash the firmware to BLE through Jlink.

It is written in the design gide that we can flash the firmware to BLE through software debug pins however we can not debug. We can debug onlz when we used Jlink.

And also we need to input 6.8V to VPP is required. Is it comulsory to have 6.8V to VPP pin of BLE.

Do I need any extra circuit apart from mentioned above?. Thank you.

Last seen:3 days 10 hours ago
加入:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi Gandhi,

Hi Gandhi,

My apologies, but to be honest I am not completely sure what you are trying to do? Where did you download the firmware? In System-RAM or in SPI Flash? Could you please clarify it? Also, any other inputs would be very helpful. Why do you need 6.8V in the VPP pin? This is required only when burning the OPT. You should not supply that pin in any other cases. Be aware that the OPT stands for One-Time-Programmable, thus you can’t erase and re-write the OTP multiple times, but you can only flip the bits that are still set to 0 and turn them to 1.

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:1 year 5 months ago
加入:2019-05-02 13:00
Hi PM_Dialog,

Hi PM_Dialog,

Thank you for the information. Then I may not use OTP now. do we need extra hardware to flash the firmware to System-RAM or SPI flash(Apart from UART and Jlink pins)?. Thank you.

Last seen:3 days 10 hours ago
加入:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi Gandhi,

Hi Gandhi,

No, you don’t need extra hardware. You could download firmware inti the System-RAM through Keil IDE (with the usage of the start/stop debug button) and into SPI flash with the usage of Flash programmer of smart snippets toolbox.

Thanks, PM_Dialog