鲍威DA1469x datasheet说灵活处理r -> 32 kHz up to 96 MHz 32-bit ARM Cortex-M33 with 16 kBytes, 4-way associative cache and FPU
Do you have a example code / application note that explain how to configure the CPU and assosiated calculation the DA14695 power consmption in such scenario ?
Hi Roie DAHAN,
Unfortunately there isn’t any documentation on that. You could check the datasheet for a basic characterization. If you have a look the sysclk_type enumeration, you will see that there are tow options for Low Power clock. Currently, you could use only the XTAL32M because the RC32 is not supported. The cache configurations are configured for the optimum cache misses, so you have not to change them. By default 2-way associativity is used, and if you change it the performance of cache is up to you. Regarding the FPU, I would suggest you to have a look atDA1469x CMSIS DSP examplesoftware example from our support website.
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Dear PM_Dialog,
The goal of this question was to configure the ARM CPU clock for example to 100Khz using the existing XTAL_32M
(not to replace the XTAL)
Hi Roie DAHAN,
This is not possible. The XTAL32 is used for low power clock.
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Dear PM_Dialog,
Please advise what is configurable: "32 kHz up to 96 MHz 32-bit ARM Cortex-M33" ?
Dear PM_Dialog,
Please advise what is configurable: "32 kHz up to 96 MHz 32-bit ARM Cortex-M33" ?
Hi Roie DAHAN,
This means that the system clack can be configured either at 32Khz (using an XTAL or the RCX) or at 96MHz (using the PLL). Please take a look at sysclk_type structure in hw_clk_da1469x.h header file. The sysclk_LP is not applicable.
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Dear PM_Dialog,
Please send me a link to downliad the SDK you are using i cannot find this file
Hi Roie DAHAN,
You could find and download the SDK for DA1469x product family from our support website. Please follow the link below and se for the SDK section.
Thanks, PM_Dialog