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Craig Flanagan
Last seen:1 year 9 months ago
Joined:2016-04-25 20:17

Hello Dialog, I have a very odd problem. I have had some new boards made and the pin connections for the programming

interface are the same as the IOTMSK kit. Specifically, all of the lines going to the 10 pin connector which connects to the

CIB board are connected to the same processor pins (DA14585) as is shown in the schematic for the IOTMSK kit.

I am able to go into SmartSnippets Toolbox in SmartSnippets Studio using either JTAG or UART ONLY and then

from within the toolbox program and load a compiled hex file using the Booter option into Sysram. This works as noted

using either the JTAG or UART ONLY options. So it looks like the Toolbox can at least load code into sysram of my

new boards using either JTAG or UART. Now the problem is that I have been using the Eclipse compiler to develop

code and when I try to run the Eclipse debugger with my new boards attached I would expect that Eclipse would just

program the sysram as it does for the IOTMSK board when starting the debugger, but it doesnt. The debugger crashes

with this message:

J-Link GDB Server failed: Could not connect to target. Please check if target is powered and if ribbon cable is plugged properly

For more details, see the JLinkGDBServerCL.exe console.

这显然给我的印象是如此mething wrong with my connection but as noted it should be the same

as what is on the IOTMSK. I am out of ideas as to what might be causing this. Any ideas? Is there something I need

to do to prepare these new chips for interfacing with the eclipse debugger? I am stumped. Any help would be

appreciated. Craig

Last seen:19分钟34秒前
Joined:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi Craig Flanagan,

Hi Craig Flanagan,

Apologies but I am a little bit confused with your question, so I need some clarifications in order to understand your issue. Are you using the DA14585 IoT Multi-Sensor hardware or you have designed a custom board based on our reference design? Did you follow the AN-B-064 document?


Also, when using the SmartSnippets toolbox you are not able to download the firmware into the System-RAM, so I supposes that you burnt the SPI flash, is that correct?

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Craig Flanagan
Last seen:1 year 9 months ago
Joined:2016-04-25 20:17
Sorry I was not clear, let me

Sorry I was not clear, let me try to do a bit better this time:

1. I did follow the AN-B-064 in setting up the Eclipse IDE to work with my DA14585 IOTMSK board/kit. It works fine.

2. I can compile and debug fine in Eclipse using my DA14585 IOTMSK kit/board, I have been using this configuration

for a number of weeks now with no issues.

3. I created a custom board. This custom board has a DA14585 processor and includes the equivalent 10 pin header as the

DA14585 IOTMSK kit/board and the same header connections to the processor (so I expected that it would work fine

using Eclipse).

4. When I remove the IOTMSK kit/board from the 10 pin ribbon cable and hook up the ribbon cable to my board, the Eclipse debugger

will not load and I get the following error:

J-Link GDB Server failed: Could not connect to target. Please check if target is powered and if ribbon cable is plugged properly

For more details, see the JLinkGDBServerCL.exe console.

5. I suspected a hardware issue with my new board, so I checked all the pin connections and everything is fine. Further, I went into KEIL

(to test the custom board) and was able to load and debug the SMARTTAG application. I noted that the bluetooth communcations was

also working fine from my custom board to my smartphone. Thus, the custom board hardware is clearly working with no issues in the KEIL


6. Here is the jlink log file posted after my custom board failed to load the debugger (which I have been looking at but really dont know how to interpret):

SEGGER J-Link GDB Server V6.14h LogFile
Logging started @ 2019-04-08 15:02
03-00000000-00-00000000-0023: -----GDB Server start settings-----
03-00000000-00-00000000-0023: GDBInit file: none
03-00000000-00-00000000-0023: GDB Server Listening port: 2331
03-00000000-00-00000000-0023: Terminal I/O port: 2333
03-00000000-00-00000000-002D: Accept remote connection: localhost only
03-00000000-00-00000000-0021: Generate logfile: on
03-00000000-00-00000000-0021: Verify download: on
03-00000000-00-00000000-0021: Init regs on start: on
03-00000000-00-00000000-0022: Silent mode: off
03-00000000-00-00000000-0021: Single run mode: on
03-00000000-00-00000000-0023: Target connection timeout: 0 ms
03-00000000-00-00000002-0023: ------J-Link related settings------
03-00000000-00-00000002-0022: J-Link Host interface: USB
03-00000000-00-00000002-0023: J-Link script: none
03-00000000-00-00000002-0023: J-Link settings file: none
03-00000000-00-00000002-0023: ------Target related settings------
03-00000000-00-00000002-0028: Target device: Cortex-M0
03-00000000-00-00000002-0022: Target interface: SWD
03-00000000-00-00000002-0026: Target interface speed: 8000kHz
03-00000000-00-00000002-0025: Target endian: little
03-00000000-00-00000003-0017: Connecting to J-Link...
02-00000000-00-00000011-003D: Firmware: J-Link OB-SAM3U128 V3 compiled Jan 7 2019 14:06:26
02-00000000-00-00000011-000F: Hardware: V3.00
02-00000000-00-00000011-000E: S/N: 483031254
02-00000000-00-00000021-0052: Feature(s): RDIWEBSRV Webserver running on local port 19080 (0018ms, 0018ms total)
02-00000000-00-00000021-0033: T28CC 000:007 returns O.K. (0018ms, 0018ms total)
03-00000000-00-00000021-0014: J-Link is connected.
02-00000000-00-00000213-00B3: T28CC 000:026 JLINK_ExecCommand("device = Cortex-M0", ...). C:\Program Files (x86)\SEGGER\JLink_V614h\JLinkDevices.xml evaluated successfully. returns 0x00 (0191ms, 0209ms total)
02-00000000-00-00000214-006A: T28CC 000:218 JLINK_ExecCommand("SetFlashRewriteBehavior = 1", ...). returns 0x00 (0000ms, 0210ms total)
02-00000000-00-00000214-0041: T28CC 000:218 JLINK_GetFirmwareString(...) (0000ms, 0210ms total)
03-00000000-00-00000214-003D: Firmware: J-Link OB-SAM3U128 V3 compiled Jan 7 2019 14:06:26
02-0000000000-00-00-00000214-004F:T28CC 000:218 JLink_Gethardwareversion()返回0x7530(0000ms,总计0210ms)
03-00000000-00-00000214-000F: Hardware: V3.00
03-00000000-00-00000215-000E: S/N: 483031254
03-00000000-00-00000215-000F: Feature(s): RDI
02-00000000-00-00-00000215-0049:T28CC 000:219 JLink_Gethwstatus(...)返回0x00(0000ms,总计0210ms)
02-00000000-00-00000215-003C: T28CC 000:219 JLINK_EnableSoftBPs(ON) (0000ms, 0210ms total)
03-00000000-00-00000215-001A: Checking target voltage...
03-00000000-00-00000216-0016: Target voltage: 3.30 V
03-00000000-00-00000216-001D: Listening on TCP/IP port 2331
03-00000000-00-00000216-0017: Connecting to target...
02-00000000-00-00000216-0035: T28CC 000:220 JLINK_ClrError() (0000ms, 0210ms total)
02-00000000-00-00000216-0049: T28CC 000:220 JLINK_GetHWStatus(...) returns 0x00 (0000ms, 0210ms total)
02-00000000-00-00000217-0055: T28CC 000:220 JLINK_TIF_Select(JLINKARM_TIF_SWD) returns 0x00 (0001ms, 0211ms total)
02-00000000-00-00000217-0039: T28CC 000:221 JLINK_SetSpeed(8000) (0000ms, 0211ms total)
02-00000000-00-00000217-0044: T28CC 000:221 JLINK_GetSpeed() returns 0xA6B (0000ms, 0211ms total)
02-00000000-00-00000217-0077: T28CC 000:221 JLINK_SetResetType(JLINKARM_RESET_TYPE_NORMAL) returns JLINKARM_RESET_TYPE_NORMAL (0000ms, 0211ms total)
02-00000000-00-00000217-003B: T28CC 000:221 JLINK_SetResetDelay(0) (0000ms, 0211ms total)
02-00000000-00-00000217-0055: T28CC 000:221 JLINK_SetEndian(ARM_ENDIAN_LITTLE) returns 0x00 (0000ms, 0211ms total)
02-00000000-00-00000226-01FC: T28CC 000:221 JLINK_Connect() >0x10B TIF>Found SW-DP with ID 0x0BB11477 >0x0D TIF> >0x28 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x30 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x28 TIF>No AP preselected. Assuming that AP[0] is the AHB-AP >0x0D TIF> >0x28 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x30 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x28 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF>
02-00000000-00-00000234-01FA: >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF>
02-00000000-00-00000244-01FA: >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF>
02-00000000-00-00000252-01FA: >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF>
02-00000000-00-00000261-01FA: >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF>
02-00000000-00-00000269-01FA: >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF>
02-00000000-00-00000277-01FA: >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF>
02-00000000-00-00000285-01FA: >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF>
02-0000000000-00-00000293-01FA:> 0x21 TIF >>>>>>>>>>>>> 0x0D TIF >>>>> 0x21 TIF >> 0x0D TIF >>>> 0x21 TIF >> 0x0D TIF >> 0x21 TIF>> 0x0d TIF >>> 0x21 tif >>>>> 0x21 tif >>>>> 0x0d tif >> 0x0d tif >>> 0x21 tif >> 0x0d tif >>>>>21 tif >> 0x0d tif >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>TIF >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0x0D TIF >> 0x21 TIF >>>>> 0x0d TIF >> 0x21 TIF >> 0x0x0d TIF >>>>>>>>>>>>> 0x0D TIF >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
02-00000000-00-00000296-00EC: >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF>Could not power-up debug power domain. >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x0D TIF>
02-00000000-00-00000350-0109: ***** Error: DAP error while reading AHB-AP IDR. >0x10B TIF>Found SW-DP with ID 0x0BB11477 >0x0D TIF> >0x28 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x30 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x28 TIF>No AP preselected. Assuming that AP[0] is the AHB-AP >0x0D TIF> >0x28 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x30 TIF> >0x0D TIF>
02-00000000-00-00000353-0113: >0x28 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x28 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x30 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x28 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x30 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF>AP-IDR: 0x00030003, Type: Custom AP (Unknown) returns 0xFFFFFEFB (0136ms, 0347ms total)
03-00000000-00-00000353-002A: ERROR: DAP error while reading AHB-AP IDR.
03-00000000-00-00000353-0023: ERROR: Could not connect to target.
03-00000000-00-00000353-0035: Target connection failed. GDBServer will be closed...
03-00000000-00-00000365-0037: Restoring target state and closing J-Link connection...
02-00000000-00-00000365-0041: T28CC 000:369 JLINK_IsOpen() returns 0x01 (0000ms, 0347ms total)
02-00000000-00-00000365-0058: T28CC 000:369 JLINK_ExecCommand("ClrAllBPs", ...). returns 0x00 (0000ms, 0347ms total)

7. At this point, given that my custom board works in the KEIL IDE but wont work in Eclipse per the attached log file, I am baffled. Any thoughts would be helpful.


Craig Flanagan
Last seen:1 year 9 months ago
Joined:2016-04-25 20:17


I suspected a download speed issue. So within Eclipse I selected "run" then "debug configurations" then in the left

panel double click GDB SEGGER J-LINK DEBUGGING then on the right select the debugger tab then set

the initial speed to something less than the 8k it is set to. I selected 1000 khz. Now recompile and debug and


Last seen:19分钟34秒前
Joined:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi Craig Flanagan,

Hi Craig Flanagan,

So, you figured your issue out, didn’t you? Thanks for your indication! Do you need any other support on that?

Thanks. PM_Dialog

Craig Flanagan
Last seen:1 year 9 months ago
Joined:2016-04-25 20:17
Im good thanks.

Im good thanks.