I have multiple characteristics in one service and they all have notifcations that need to be enabled/disabled
I see that when enabling the notification in the sample128 example, it globablly sets notifications on in
sample128_env.feature |= PRF_CLI_START_NTF;
This approach doesn't seem right if I have more than one notifyable characteristic.
How should I deal with this exactly? Should there be a flag for each characteristic? Are there any examples?
In "gattc_write_cmd_ind_handler()", you can use "param->handle" parameter to discriminate which characteristic has to be addressed:
if (param->handle == sample128_env.sample128_shdl + SAMPLE128_1_IDX_VAL) char_code = SAMPLE128_1_CHAR;
if (param->handle == sample128_env.sample128_shdl + SAMPLE128_2_IDX_CFG) char_code = SAMPLE128_2_CFG;
"SAMPLE128_1_IDX_VAL" and "SAMPLE128_2_IDX_CFG" are defined in "sample128.h". If you have more characteristics that are notifyable, you would have "SAMPLE128_3_IDX_CFG" for example. Then you can discriminate the destination.
I suppose the configuration characteristic itself can be used to tell if the notifications are enabled or not. In that case, what is the use of sample128_env.feature?
It seems to me that instead of
if((sample128_service_env.feature & PRF_CLI_START_NTF))
// Send notification through GATT
prf_server_send_event((prf_env_struct *)&sample128_service_env, false, sample128_service_env.seebo_service_shdl + param->handle_offset);
这应该是使用instead. I.e. check the config characteristic to see if notifies are enabled.
if((attmdb_att_get_value(param->handle, sizeof(uint16), (uint8 *)¶m->value[0]) & PRF_CLI_START_NTF)) //checks if the characteristic config has notify enabled
// Send notification through GATT
prf_server_send_event((prf_env_struct *)&sample128_service_env, false, sample128_service_env.seebo_service_shdl + param->handle_offset);