Hi everybody,
We are using the DA9062-00 in our custom design to power up our Xilinx Zynq. Wenn the custom board is connected to the ICP Board it performs as expected ( Sequencer, PowerDown,, Powerup) . But if we disconnect the ICP to run it stand alone nothing happens.
A long nONKEY will result in a shutdown and short press of nONKEY will result in power up.
Thank you
When you connect the ICP board and follow the ICP instructions, you will be putting the DA9062 into PowerCommander mode. When you remove the ICP board and reset the PMIC, their will be no OTP programmed into the device. This is not recomended as you may damage your PMIC and Board.
So with the ICP you are in an "emulation mode" called Powercomander mode, with the ICP you have a un-programmed IC.
Kind regards,
Thank you for your reply!
OTP as in the file is programmed on the chip,, and Power Commander Mode is not activated.
Independend of this - we should get the same results as we loaded the same file into the DA9062, but we don‘t.
When you connected the ICP board, you will be putting the devices into powercommander mode, this puts thje IC into a state inwhich it can be programmed.
Before you disconnect the ICP board, are your programming the parts?
Kind regards,
we are doing the following:
We use the ICP OTP Programmer to load the ini file into our DA9062. It shows successfull.
But it doesn't work - the DA9062 is in state 0x1F (WAIT_SYS_EN) always. We checked by using simple I2C board, not with ICP-board but another I2C board.
But we found some errors - we did write e.g. in register 10E 0x18 with the OTP Programmer. But when we checked after OTP writing it shows 0x29.
Here we are getting the same results by using the simple I2C board and the ICP board connecting the custom board after powering (not according your sequence).
What procedure are you following to program the parts? Are you using the ICP GUI?
Kind regards,
we are using the Dialog ICP Gui.
Hi Thomas,
Are you following the instructions showns in the ICP Apps note?
Kind regards,
Hi, yes we are following the instructions according to ICP App Note.
We get the following error when we try to program empty DA9062. See attached!
Could you send me the markings on top of the device and could you send me a schmatic?
The CRC number for .ini does not match the CRC of the device. This leads me to think that either their is a comms issue or the devices have already been programmed.
kind regards,
Elliott Dexter
Please find attached.
It was a completely new blank chip!
Let me take a quick looks at the schmatic.
Could you send me the .ini file in the .ini format? So i take it you have access to Vsys, GND, TP, SCL and SDA?
Kind regards,
Elliott Dexter
Please find the ini file.
Yes - we have access to this pins.
We are able to RUN the chip in PC Mode.
When you have the part set-up for programming, can you measure VDDCORE and your SCL and SDA lines?
On the .ini file side, the file is currupted. There is no easy fix for the state of the ,ini file, i would suggest starting again. A large portion of the registers have been set to 00, such as CONFIG_ID, if this is set to 0, the OTP will not load into the DA9062.
Kind regards,
Elliott Dexter
i did it from scratch and now i was able to program the DA9062.
Thank you very much.