Using asymmetric and symmetric keys in DA14682/3

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Last seen:11 months 1 week ago
加入:2015-07-28 15:10
Using asymmetric and symmetric keys in DA14682/3


I have a few questions about the use of asymmetric and symmetric keys in the DA14682/3.

1. Can I write a new symmetric key to an empty slot in the symmetric key area at runtime (eg, not using the production line tool/command line programmer)? What if I've already set the secure image flag in OTP?
2.我可以写一个新的吗ymmetric key to an empty slot in the asymmetric key area at runtime?
3. Does the SDK provide APIs for writing keys to the symmetric and asymmetric key areas, or should I instead follow the example in main_secure.c in the secure bootloader project (which calculates specific addresses in the OTP and writes with hw_otpc_manual_prog)?
4. Can I use a key from the symmetric key area for encryption/decryption at runtime from my application task? How do I provide the key to the crypto APIs? Can I specify the key's slot in the symmetric key area, or do I need to manually read the key from the OTP and pass it to the encryption/decryption API?
5. Can I use a key from the asymmetric key area at runtime? Do I need to read it manually from OTP, as in the secure bootloader example?


Last seen:5天5小时前
加入:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi david_33021,

Hi david_33021,

  1. If you have the flag of secure boot activated, you won’t be able to write a new symmetric key and the reason is why you won’t have access to the OTP.
  2. In case you are not using the secure boot functionality, you will be able to write an asymmetric key but you should not have written before in this particular area.
  3. We don’t have any API in order to write keys to the symmetric and asymmetric key areas. You could write the key you prefer manually in these areas.
  4. In case you have the secure boot flag activated, the only way to ready the key is through DMA (channel 7). Otherwise, if you don’t have the secure boot implemented, you can read the keys from the OTP manually.

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:11 months 1 week ago
加入:2015-07-28 15:10
Thanks! That's the

Thanks! That's the information I needed.
