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Last seen:1 year 5 months ago
Joined:2015-07-10 06:55
10 second auto-wakeup

DA14580,我们一直在使用深度睡眠a wakeup mechanism that relies on a level transition on a GPIO. This has worked very well and reliably. Recently, we wanted to incorporate an additional feature that requires a timed wakeup every 1-3 minutes. This is achieved by putting the device into deep sleep mode just prior to setting a timer using app_easy_timer. This is working generally as expected however I'm noticing that every 10 seconds the device wakes up on its own very briefly and goes back to sleep. Since this results in additional power consumed, we no longer are able to satisfy our power budget for the lifetime of the product.

I see the wakeup by watching the current waveform in Smart Snippets Power Profiler. I have attempted to change the value of CFG_MAX_SLEEP_DURATION_EXTERNAL_WAKEUP_MS in da1458x_config_advanced.h without seeing a change in the auto-wakeup frequency.

When I eliminate the app_easy_timer wakeup, the device does not wake up on its own. It's only with a timer set that I'm seeing this 10s wakeup. Is there any way to prevent periodic wakeup?

Last seen:3 hours 21 min ago
Joined:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi abarangan,

Hi abarangan,

According to your post, you mentioned that you are using deep sleep mode. So, did you burn the OPT or you configured your device in development mode? Please check the CFG_DEVELOPMENT_DEBUG definition in the da1458x_config_basic.h header file and the comments. No matter which sleep mode is used, the DA1458x can be woken up in 2 ways, either synchronously, via the BLE timer which can be programmed to wake up the system or asynchronously, via an external interrupt (as the level transition on a GPIO).

Thanks, PM_Dialog