Hello Dialog team
I am working on DA14680 chip, example code pxp_reporter. My questions, how we can connect device in directed mode?
Do we need bonding process for it? If yes then how we can do bonding process?
I have read UM-B-044 document and also looked into ble_usbhid_device code. but I didn't get much information.
Simply device should be advertising as a directed mode and specific phone can listen advertising packet.
Any help will be appreciated.
Hi rajshah,
Could you please explain the “connect device in directed mode” that you mentioned in your post? Do you mean directed advertising? If yes, you should change the input of ble_gap_adv_start() function as GAP_CONN_MODE_DIRECTED. Otherwise, please clarify what you would like to accomplish.
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Hello Dialog
My question title is "Directed mode advertising". I need directed mode advertising instead of undirected mode.
Yes, I want to advertise DA14680 device as directed mode so that only one smartphone can connect.
Following is the steps which i followed:
1. First advertise device as undirected mode, connect with peer device and get peer device mac address and store it.
2. After disconnection of peer device, called below API:
- ble_gap_adv_stop();
- ble_gap_adv_direct_address_set(&peerBtAddress);
- ble_gap_adv_start(GAP_CONN_MODE_DIRECTED);
3. After #1 and #2 steps device doesn't advertising and peer device can not capture advertising to make connection.
Could you please send me steps or code snippets so that device can start advertising as a directed mode instead of undirected mode and only one peer device can capture the advertising.
Please let me know if if you need more information.
Can Dialog please answer the above post?
I'm also interesting in Direct adverting feature, and facing the same issue.
As of SDK 1.0.8 directed advertisement was not supported. Checking to see if it was supported in later SDKs.
Hi rajshah,
I checked with our engineering team. Directed advertisement is supported in SDK 1.0.8 and later versions.
However, white listing is not supported in any SDK.