I'm developing a custom board based on DA14580. I'm using a buck application. I have an analog circuit connected to DC-DC 1.41V output and I wanted to key it, so it'd work only when it's not sleeping (the chip is sleeping for most of the time in my application). I found out that I have to write 0x0 to DCDC_CTRL3_REG to disable the DC-DC, but right after doing it, DA disconnected from my J-Link to never ever connect again. There's a short circuit on the VBAT3V to GND and I cannot get it to work anymore. Any ideas?
Hi Moterrola,
Could you please refer to the following forum thread?
If this post is not according to your issue, can you please clarify your question? If you reset your board, are you able to detect it or are you able to program it?
Thanks, PM_Dialog
No I can't, that's the problem. I can't even power it up, because there's short circuit between VBAT3V and ground. The resistance between those pins are <1 Ohm. This happened directly after changing DCDC_CTRL3_REG to disable buck converter.
Hi Moterrola,
Could you please clarify if your custom board is still working? Please check the power line of you custom board and then let me know. Could you please provide us a screenshot of your short circuit?
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Of course my custom board wasn't working. Found the problem, had to resolder my MCU. No idea why it happened exactly the moment I disabled the DCDC converter, though - what a coincidence!
Anyways, thanks for the assistance.
Hi Moterrola,
Glad you figured your issue out and thanks for the indication.
Thanks, PM_Dialog