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Last seen:2 years 4 months ago
加入:2018-10-31 07:50
Chip Selection

I need a help to select a chip . can you guide which chip is suitable for my application
I want beaconing,Scanning,Random number generator,RTC(local time) and internally store data in chips.
can you help me which chip is suitable for my application. another thing i want to reduce cost.
need a advise on this topic

Last seen:2 days 8 hours ago
加入:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi alan.a,


The DA1468x family devices support software implemented Real Time Clock (RTC) functionality. Be aware that RTC does not exist as hardware block, but the is an official software implementation in our support page and it is tested into the DA1468x. If you use an external crystal oscillator XTAL32K, the drift that you will have per day will be max 1 second (worst case), but if you use the RCX, you will have 18 seconds drift on average per day. I would strongly suggest you to have a look at the实时时钟(RTC) Concept (HTML)from the tutorials tab of DA14680 from our portal. Regarding the True Number Generator, please check the section 16 of the DA14680 datasheet in order to see the hardware architecture and theν use the appropriate APIs from hw_trnh.h/c library. Also, beaconing an scanning application could be implemented in DA1468x family devices.

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:2 years 4 months ago
加入:2018-10-31 07:50

1. Is it possible RTC implementation in DA14580?
2. Is Random number generation is possible in DA14580?
cost is major factor in my project. can you give some advise about this?

Last seen:2 days 8 hours ago
加入:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi alan.a,

Hi alan.a,

  1. The RTC implementation is not available in DA14580.
  2. 真正的随机数生成器(TRNG)不存在为硬件块,但我们有一个可用的API这种用法,因此我强烈建议看看SDK并遵循USE_TRNG定义。您可以通过调用trng.h / c库来获取128位随机数。启用真正的随机数生成器,您需要定义CFG_TRNG标志。在系统初始化时生成随机数,并用于将C标准库随机数发生器进行种子。为了从580开始,SDK使用无线电模块并通过改变它获得随机数的无线电寄存器的值。请检查trng_acquire()函数的源代码。

I would like to let you know that if you found any of the above answers useful please mark one of them as accepted.

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:2 years 4 months ago
加入:2018-10-31 07:50

Thanks for your valuable advise
Is it possible internally store user data's in chip DA14580?

Last seen:2 days 8 hours ago
加入:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi alan.a,

Hi alan.a,

The DA14580 has following on-chip memory:

- 84KB ROM

- 32KB One Time Programmable (OTP) ROM

- 50KB on-chip RAM of which:

84KB ROM is dedicated for Bluetooth Low Energy Stack. 50KB on-chip RAM is available for GATT based profiles, application code and runtime memory consumption (e.g. heap, stack).

Also, you can check the DA14583 which has an internal SPI Flash memory and you are able to store data. Be aware that OTP stands for One Time Programmable, thus you can’t erase and re-write the OTP multiple times, but you can only flip the bits that are still set to 0 and turn them to 1.

Please check the DA14580 and DA14583 datasheet in order have a better view of their available memories. Could you please explain a bit more you question? Do you want to stare data permanently and retain them after powering the device off?

Also, be aware that the selection between DA1468x and DA1458x depends on the application that you would like to implement

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:2 years 4 months ago
加入:2018-10-31 07:50

If i go to 14680 RTC,Multiple role(advertising and scanning),True random number generator and internally storing data is possible. I need an advise for this.
i want to all this functionality. so which chip is you preferred. Is it 14680 covers all this functionality?

Last seen:2 days 8 hours ago
加入:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi alan.a,

Hi alan.a,

The chip selection depends on the application that you want to implement. As I have already mentioned, the DA1468x support only software implementation of the RTC. Also the DA14680 and DA14682 have internal SPI Flash. The DA14680 is freeRTOS based and the DA14682 is bare-metal based. Be aware that DA1458x and DA1468x family devices have completely different functionalities and different SDK, so I would suggest you to have a look into our BLE products and SDKs.

Thanks, PM_Dialog