BLE Beaconing and Scanning

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Last seen:2 years 2 months ago
加入:2018-10-31 07:50
BLE Beaconing and Scanning

I am New to DA14580. I have a DA14580 Basic Development kit.
I want to implement BLE beaconing(non connected) and also implementing BLE scanning in same application. I need a support
where i start to achieve both this?
I need a help to implement both beaconing and Scanning in same application.

Last seen:4分54秒前
加入:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi alan.a,

Hi alan.a,

We don’t still support BLE Beacon for DA14580 devices. Although, we currently support BLE Beacon for DA14585/6 devices, so if you would like to have beacon functionality, I would strongly recommend you move on DA14585/6 product. Could you please describe what you would like to accomplish? If I am able to understand correctly from what you mentioned, would you want to have the implementation both of the advertising and scanning, and somehow change the functionality, for example by pressing a push button? Could you please provide further details in order to give the correct guidelines? Regarding functionality for DA14585/6 products, I would suggest you to have a look at DA14585 IoT Multi Sensor Development Kit reference design from our support page.

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:2 years 2 months ago
加入:2018-10-31 07:50
Thanks for your reply,

Thanks for your reply,
I want to both advertising and scanning.
for example i have one DA14580 basic development kit . 5 minutes kit act as Advertiser and next 5 minute Kit act as scanner(is it possible DA14580 simultaneously act as advertiser and scanner?). This is i want to implement using DA14580. can you give some support to start this?

Last seen:4分54秒前
加入:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi alan.a,


It is not possible to configure the 580/581/583 in dual mode, you can only have a role switch, switching between central and peripheral by issuing a GAPM_RESET_CMD (no connections are maintained between the switching). The 585 is capable of operating in dual mode. If you would like to implement role switching (counting via a timer or via an external event or anything that can trigger the role switching) you will just have to issue a GAPM_RESET_CMD there is a ready function that does that which is the app_gapm_reset_msg_create(). After doing that the device will get a GAPM_CMP_EVT (the gapm_cmp_evt_handler() function), with the operation parameter set to the GAPM_RESET. So as soon as you get this the stack is reset and you should invoke a GAPM_SET_DEV_CONFIG_CMD which will configure the device as a central or as a peripheral. The app_easy_gap_dev_configure() function uses the default parameters from the user_config.h file, so you will have to make a custom implementation in order to select which configuration your device would apply to the stack. Please check the following post for more info:

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:2 years 1 week ago
加入:2018-11-27 07:25
I am using SDK5.0.4 and

I am using SDK5.0.4 and looking for DA14580 central example and document. could you please guide me.

Last seen:4分54秒前
加入:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi vanaja,

Hi vanaja,

Could you please check the link below? It’s a past forum thread describing how you can configure a DA14580 as a central. If this does not answer your question, please create a new forum thread.

Thanks, PM_Dialog